Chapter 13

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After what felt like an eternity of bickering who was right, you and Kylo seem to have finally finished his lightsaber. It usually doesn't take so long to build one but thanks to his cracked crystal, it required more precision than most.

"Well how do you like it?" You asked, leaning back on his couch.

"I like how it turned out but do you really think it's going to work?" He hesitantly asked.

You raise your eyebrows as you look at how unsure he seemed. Kylo doesn't rip his eyes away from the finished product as he shifts in his seat next to you. He reaches out to the table in front of him, grabbing the hilt and twisting it around in his hand to look at it.

"Have a little trust in me. I'm positive that we followed the exact design that was in the book."

"I do trust you." He said, looking over at you.

"Well then go on! Let's see it!" You eagerly exclaimed.

Kylo gets up from his couch and makes sure to put a reasonable distance between you and him. If by any chance anything happened he wanted to make sure you would be out of harms way.

He looks down at the black hilt in his hand and ignites it. The red plasma shines from the hilt like it would on a regular lightsaber but then the red blades emerge out of the cross guards on the side.

You and Kylo both stare in amazement at the appearance of the lightsaber. Everything about it was so unique.. the design, the sound, the look of the plasma.

You get up from your seat to get a closer look at it. "It almost looks like it's on fire and that sound.. I've never heard a lightsaber sound like that before."

"Yes it's quite something." Kylo breathed out.

"See I told you to trust me." You fold your arms against your chest and held your head up high.

"And I told you that I did trust you." He chuckled as he turns off his saber.

"Well now that you have a lightsaber and a unique one at that, we can start your combat training tomorrow."

"I think now more than ever you need to teach me how to block off my mind. I don't know how Snoke would react if he found out about our force bond." He said with a tone of worry evident in his voice.

Kylo knew he had the power to protect you if you needed him.. but when it came to Snoke he's sure that he would not be strong enough to stop him. Not yet.

You nod your head. "You're right. We're just lucky that he's going to be at Starkiller for a little longer because we still have much to do before he gets back."

Deep down you felt like the force had willed it for Snoke to become delayed. Almost like it was helping you in keeping your bond a secret from him.

"That should be our first priority. The sooner I learn it, the better" Kylo said.

"Don't worry. Snoke would not kill you, he needs Darth Vader's grandson on his side of the war." You tried to reassure him.

"It's not me I'm worried about." He pulls his eyebrows together. "I do not want you to face Snoke's wrath because of me."

You shake your head as you walked closer to him. "I've survived Snoke's variety of punishments for years now. I assure you that I can handle anything he throws at me."

"And I assure you that I'll do anything I can so that Snoke doesn't hurt you." He said, his eyes gleaming with worry as he looked at you.

Overwhelmed with emotions, you close the gap between the two of you as you embraced him in a hug, your arms wrapping around his neck. You had to stand on the tip of your boots just to reach.

Kylo's eyes widen in surprise but without even second thinking it he quickly cradles his own arms around your waist, pulling you even closer to him if it was possible. This felt safe.. this felt right.

"Thank you for caring for me." You whispered as you close your eyes, your face snuggling onto his chest.

A genuine smile forms on Kylo's face.

"I always will (y/n)." He promised.

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So sorry for how short this is. I was having a pretty crappy day today but I promise I'll be good to go for tomorrow's chapter! :)

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