Chapter 4

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Today was a different day than what you were always used to. Today would be your first day in training Kylo and you were dreading it. You would rather be leading your squadron of stormtroopers to battle or be planning your next attack on the resistance with the other generals of the ship, but instead you're stuck with babysitting duty.

You let out an annoyed sigh as you finish changing into your uniform. As you walk to your door you hold out your arm behind you and bring your lightsaber to your hand, latching it on your belt after. You knew you didn't need it for today's session but you still never went anywhere without it.

As you walk towards the training room, you glance around at the stormtroopers, captains, and officers walking the same hallways as you. They all try to avoid any eye contact with you or don't even glance your way at all. You smirk at their fear they have for you especially since some of them are men that are twice your size.

You reach your destination early and push the button for the door to slide open. You walk in and take a seat on the mat laying on the floor. You close your eyes and start training your own mind, focusing hard on closing it off from Kylo. You hear the door slide and snap your eyes open, seeing Kylo entering the room in his all black uniform.

"Commander (l/n)." His altered voice is going to take some time getting used to.

You get up and walk up to him with your arms folded against you. "You're early, Ren. You must be eager to start." Kylo nods his head. "Very well but first, take off your helmet. I won't train you with that thing on."

You hear the leather of his gloves rubbing together as he balls his hands into fists. He says nothing and reaches up to lower his black hood then unlatches his helmet, a low hiss comes from it. His raven long hair falls around his face and you become shocked with how beautiful this man is. He had full pink lips and honey brown eyes with beauty marks peppering his pale face like constellations in the sky.

His normal but still deep voice interrupts your thoughts. "Satisfied?"

Your heart starts pounding as you think that maybe he had heard your thoughts like he did yesterday.

You clear your throat. "What?"

"You told me to take off my mask and I did. Are you satisfied now?" He looked at you confused.

You feel relief that he hadn't heard your admiration in your head.

"Yes, i wouldn't have been able to concentrate if all I saw were those empty black holes."

A faint smirk appears on his face. "I didn't think you were afraid of anything, Commander."

An unexpected laugh escapes your lips. "After many years with Snoke, you think your mask can scare me? I see you still have much to learn young Ren."

"I'm five years older than you and yet you're the only calling me young." Kylo said, scoffing at your comment.

You distribute your weight onto foot, already tired of this bickering. "You may be older but you still have the younger mindset out of the two of us. Isn't that why you're learning from me?"

Kylo defeatedly lets out a sigh and nods his head. "Very well, then teach me Commander."

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