Chapter 6

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After he had left yesterday you were trying to decide if you should find Kylo to make sure he was alright. In the end you had chosen to let him cool off and talk to him the next day but now here you are, in an empty training room with no Kylo.

You roll your eyes and let out an annoyed sigh. "Force, what a child."

You can't believe he didn't show up without warning, making you waste your time in coming here for nothing. You started to get angry to cover up the overwhelming amount of guilt you were feeling. You can't believe that a boy you had just met almost a week ago was making you feel these foreign feelings.

You start to fight with yourself on what to do next, pacing back and forth across the room in the process.

Should I go find him and apologize? No. No. Find him just to make sure he hasn't run off to force knows where and then just leave him alone. No. I should punish him for acting like a child just because things got a little too tough. What did he expect? That everything was going to be sunshine and hugs over here? I taught him that lesson the same way Snoke had taught me, motivating me to learn it fast. But I'm not him. I'm not like Snoke. Am I? No. Snoke wouldn't be fighting with himself, trying to figure out if he should do the right thing or not.

It was settled then. You stop pacing and head towards the door to find Kylo within the mazes of hallways on the ship. You focus on just him and it surprisingly came very easy for you. It usually would take you lot more concentration to find someone's force but not with Kylo.

No, it doesn't mean anything. You blinked your eyes rapidly like as if it would make your thoughts go away and keep following his presence, his force.

You stop in front of a door that you assume is his room and stand there for a while as you try to work up the courage to knock, fidgeting with your gloved fingers in front of you. You.. a feared force wielder, Commander of the Supremacy, granddaughter of a powerful Jedi, were too scared to knock on a damn boy's door. Suddenly the door whooshes open revealing Kylo's dim lighted room that looked exactly like yours.

In the middle was Kylo with his whole uniform on even his mask. Before you walk inside you concentrate hard on keeping the walls in your mind high and strong, something you seem to always have to do when you're around him. You slowly step inside and stop once you're a few feet away from him.

Kylo's cold distorted voice breaks the silence. "What do you need, Commander."

"I just wanted to apologize about what happened yesterday. I didn't mean to hurt you like that, I was just trying to push you."

Kylo slightly tilts his head to the side as if he were confused about your words. "You're apologizing?"

You clear your throat nervously. "Yes. And just to show you that I mean it, I'm going to teach you how to close off your mind. You're going to need to learn this if you want to survive Snoke."

Kylo lets out an amplified chuckle, that you wish you had heard without the mask. "Are you supposed to be teaching me that?"

You give him a smirk and shrug your shoulders. "No, but Snoke will only teach you the basics. He won't go into the full knowledge of it so that you won't be able to hide anything from him. So now tell me who do you prefer to teach you about this?"

"When do we start?" He asked.

You feel a smile form on your face and look to your left to check the time floating on his nightstand. "Well our training was supposed to be finishing by now," You look at him with raised eyebrows and an annoyed face. "so I'm afraid I'm now due at the command center."

You feel Kylo's disappointment. "Very well. I understand."

You purse your lips together. "You know what, why don't you come with me so you can gain some experience? I'm sure Snoke will make you a Commander in the future, so it'd be nice to know some things ahead of time. It's not like you have anything else to do right?"

Kylo's mood instantly changes and he nods his head. "Okay, lead the way."

You turn around and head out into the hallways with Kylo walking by your side and for the first time ever you don't feel alone on this ship.

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