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I don't know if I've ever explained it, but she's taking over right now so.
There's a small person living inside my heart. She looks just like me, but she's in a small cage. Hanging from my heartstrings. She's the one you called yours. Before you left her in a million pieces. She's the one who has been coming out lately. Taking over my mind and my heart. Yours. The me that's for you. Versus the me that everyone else sees. She's sweet and caring. And innocent. She's the one who wrote paragraphs and pages about you. The one who filled a notebook about you. The one who would always call your name when I was with anyone else. The one who screams to be let out whenever you're around. She's the one who loves on you. The one who wants to always touch you. Whose heart breaks any time you feel any type of pain. The one who cares about you and caring about you is her whole world. The one who looks at you when you're driving and smiles. The one who takes a step back and thinks about how lucky she is to have fallen in love with her best friend. To love you. To have your love in return. The boy who would never feel the same. The boy her heart cried for every time she saw you. The one who wants to hold you and help you. The one who just wants you. And wants you to love her in return. To want her in return. The one who wants to crack open her ribs and make you a home inside her heart. The one who is in pain any time we fight. You have a war inside you. Well so do I. But mine is different. I am the bad persons. And the smaller side of me is the good one. The one who loves deeper than the hundreds of leagues under the sea. The one who would do anything to see your adorable smile. The one whose heart pounds out of her chest whenever you look her way. She's small but controls everything. She's the one you hurt. What's worse. She's dying. Every time you don't care to say anything. Every time you walk away from a fight instead of fighting for her heart. Every time you aren't there. Every time there was someone else. A piece of her broke off. And shriveled up. And I had to lock her away. Because you don't have that inside you. She was dying to live in your heart. But instead she's dying in mine. Crying your name and asking why you don't feel the same. Who is just hers. Who hurts when she is hurt. Who would drop everything and be there. Who would do anything to see her smile. Who just wants her. And only her. And no. This isn't what life is all about. But when you find what I thought I did, it's hard to not focus on it. That's why I shrunk her down. And locked her up. So you can't hurt her. And so I wouldn't seem as pathetic and sappy and stupid as I really am. She's dying. Because she's finding out that you don't exist. The you she thought you were wasn't real. You don't have a tiny person in your heart who is in pain every time you ignore me. Or is hurting whenever we fight. Who is yelling at you to be there for me. Who is crying my name. And wishing I'd come live in your heart with him. You don't have a part of you that is hurting every time you say a mean thing. Every time we are fighting who thinks you're fucked yo for the things you say and how you act. You don't have that. But I do. And I don't know if I'm ready for her to die yet. Because when she does who will I be. But she will. Because you don't feel the same. And she's starving for you. You stopped needing me, if you ever actually did. But she did need you. Just talking to you fills her heart even if it's a fight. But that's not you. It's not worth it to fight, you'd rather ignore me and walk away. You've given up. And she will die. With every step you take further from me

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