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It feels different being the one to ignore you, rather than you ignoring me. I kind of like it. But then I don't. Because last time we didn't talk for a while you had a new person right away. Even though you said you wouldn't. And look what happened. And I don't know how you don't think about that or care when you're ignoring me. But it's all I've been thinking about. Thinking about who you're talking to instead. If you're with her right now. If you check your phone throughout the day to see if I said anything like I do when you're ignoring me. But I'm sure you don't. I'm sure I don't even cross your mind. And it hurts. It hurts that you don't care. And it hurts that me ignoring you doesn't bother you. And it hurts that if I continue to ignore you, you won't say anything or try again. You'll just say whatever and go back to talking to whoever. I don't know why you think I'm stupid, that I'll believe your Bullshit lies. And I don't know why you even talk to me at all if you want to treat me like I'm nothing. I'll get over this. Obviously not before you, because you're always the first to not care. The first to break a promise. Go back on your word. You're the first to let go. But I will eventually. And it's gonna suck for you in the long run. All you had to do was love me how I deserved and not lie to me. But I wasn't worth any of that to you.

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