I hope that when you're hurting. When you need reassurance. When you need someone to just listen and be there and talk to you. I hope they don't do what you've done to me. I hope they don't ignore you and make you feel helpless. Hopeless. Unwanted. I hope that no matter what you do to them that they're always there for you. That they always answer when you need them. I hope you find someone who really loves you. And would never do this to you. I hope you don't lie awake in bed wanting to die. Physically sick from sadness and reach out to someone and they ignore you. I hope they keep their phone on and their sound on so that they wake up when you need them. I hope they don't abandon you like you've done to me. I hope they're better than you are. And I hope you're thankful for them.
As for me. I hope to slash the heart on my wrist until it's as fucked up and broken as what you've done to mine. Shouldn't be long now