I wish I didn't love you and I wish you did love me
Hows your new person huh? How long did it take you to find someone else. A day? Two? How many fucked up things have you done by now?
Why don't you fucking care to talk to me. Why was I never good enough to try for. Why wasn't I ever worth any effort from you
How much better is your life now that I've left it
You most likely 100% don't feel this way, but these have been like the longest 2 days of my life. And you probably feel nothing. I'm sure time passes quickly with your new person. And I'm trying so fucking hard to not say anything. And it's probably a breeze for you. Fuck you're probably not even reading these. But at least I get to get my thoughts out. It just Fucking sucks. It sucks really bad. And it sucks you don't care.
Now that I think about it. You had to take everything off your phone. And I for sure know you don't care enough about what I say in these to redownload the app or to even remember your password to get back in. So I guess this is goodbye to any connection I had with you through this.
You used to be so nice to me. You know. Posting dumb cute crap on tumblr. Sending me anonymous messages. The long paragraphs about how you love me. Constantly wanting to see me. Trying. Putting effort into me. Fuck you really cared and loved me for a minute there. And now it's just gone. All of it. And I'm still expected to think you care. When you have done a complete 180. You've completely stopped doing everything you used to that showed you cared and that you loved me. So duh I don't think you do anymore. Look at you. Don't talk to me. Can't for the love of god tell me why you love me. You don't try to see me. In fact you avoid it. You don't want to spend actual time with me. Just.. I hope you had a great time with whatever you were actually doing yesterday. I hope you hear what I'm saying. And understand. And I hope you take my words to heart and listen with your new person.