Not In The Mood For You Two

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Sierras POV

I stared at the door as Chloe ran out. I didn't go after her. I was to busy being pissed at Vic. Why didn't he just fucking tell me he loves Chloe and I? I probably wouldn't be mad at either of them. Well not as mad.

"I'm so sorry" Vic ended the awkward silence.

"Just stay the fuck away from me" I felt the tears burn the back of my eyes.

"And Jack just go back to the bus ok? things just need to calm the fuck down"

Jack left like 5 minutes later.Vic ran out along with everyone but Austin and I. I was still so pissed I was crying. When I'm upset I can't cry a lot, but when I'm super pissed I cry waterfalls. Austin has been with me though a lot so he knows how to calm me down. We stayed on the floor with me crying into his chest and occasionally punching him since I'm weak as fuck. soo everyone came back in and Jaime went and layed Chloe down in the bunk area. Right now I wouldn't care if she slept on a fucking cliff. Jaime eventually came into the Living area where Austin and I had moved to after I calmed down. Austin asked Jaime what happened.

"Wait, she tried to committ suicide?" Austin really cared. He hates when people self harm or try to committ suicide. He used to be like that so I don't blame him.

I just sat there completely quiet and then Jaime started to start conversation.

"So how long have you two known eachother? I haven't been told that"

"Oh, well since Kindergarten" Austin answered, with a smile.

"Yeah, we've known eachother for about 10 years" I added, not helping but smiling and blushing.

I began pouting. "Sierra, are you ok?" Jaime asked.

"Oh uhh, um, Yeah I'm fine, it's just, I don't understand how I can be pissed off at someone for like a year and then all of a sudden go back to loving them" I replied and blushing realizing what i said. "Like a brother that is" I added immediately, still blushing.

All Jaime could manage to get out was an "Oh"

Jaime's POV

To be honest I'm still pissed but I'm so happy that I made up with my sister. sure she's a pain in my ass, she's my little sister. I still don't undrrstand why she didn't tell me. I would have helped her, I might not have been happy, but it would have took me a week at the most to get over it and then I would have helped her but she didn't tell me. She didn't tell me, she waited until she almost killed herself and left it up too poor Sierra to tell me, Alan, Alex, and Tony. Here it is, weeks, months later and I just now forgive my sister and talk to her.

We get back to the bus after my sister tried to committ suicide again, and I'm carrying her bridal style as she crys into my chest. I can tell she's still upset about everything. I walk in and I see Austin still holding Sierra. How long have those two known eachother? Vic is sitting in the kitchen area with a tear stained, pissed off face. I lay my Chloe down in my bunk.

"Hey Vic, what's up man?"

"Nothing" He replied harshly.

"Vic what the fucks your problem?"

"I love two girls at once and now they know and I hurt them both, Sierra because I fucked her bestfriend and I got a little pissed when she said she knew and had a crush on Austin. Chloe because I fucked her and told her everything would be fine which lead up to Sierra getting pissed and Jack being pissed and yelling at us for hurting Sierra. And now one tried to kill herself and the other is crying into my little brothers chest as he rocks her"

"Vic calm the fuck down, you kinda brought this on yourself, you know. And yes Chloe tried to commit herself but that's because she's confused because she fell in love with yet another guy, and upset her bestfriend, the only one who really understands her, so just stop making this harder on two teenage girls, Vic they're teens, they don't know life, they're confused, don't fucking stress them out, and don't fuck my sister again" I couldn't control it I tried to listen but he's acting like he's the only hurt one, yes he's hurt but he's not the only one.

I go back in the living room area and now Sierra and Austin are sitting on the couch Sierra is laying on Austin, with her head on his shoulder. They are quite cute together though. I sat in there with them.

Austin asked me what happened, so I told them. "Wait, she tried to committ suicide?" Austin asked.


"So how long have you two known eachother? I haven't been told that" I started laughing at how behind and left out I am.

"Oh, well since Kindergarten" Austin answered, with a smile.

"Yeah, we've known eachother for about 10 years" Sierra added smiling and blushing.

She went back to pouting. "Sierra, are you ok?"

"Oh uhh, um, Yeah I'm fine, it's just, I don't understand how I can be pissed off at someone for like a year and then all of a sudden go back to loving them" She replied and blushing. "Like a brother that is" she added immediately.

"Oh" is all I could say. Then I remembered something.

"Hey you guys, you know, yet another band is joining us, I beleive it's the last band" I said chuckling a bit

"Really? Who is it? because last time it was some pop punk teeny girl band like 1D"

"They are not, they are an actual band"

"But like one direction, and they suck"

"No they don't suck, but you do, for all I know you could be sucking Jacks dick"

"Hey just because I'm bi doesn't mean I'm sucking your fuck buddies dick"

"You're an asshole"

"I know I am thank you" I just sat there watching Sierra and Austin argue.

"It's Motionless In White" I finally said after they quit fighting. Sierra screamed.

"Omg I love Motionless In White"

"They should be here in a few days"


Todays been very eventful and I don't know what to look forward to except my sister getting hurt, but now I'll be protective of her for real.


sorry if it sucks, I don't do other peoples POV much so I was scared of how it turned out so just comment saying what you think about it

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