My Messed Up Life

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I've always wanted to meet my favorite bands and band members, never have I wanted it to go like this, with me all screwed up and suicidal in a hospital with nurses and doctors watching me so I don't, like, die.

It all started quite a long time ago when I was 15.

~~~~~~when I was 15~~~~~~~

I am listening to my favorite bands in the car as I ride to Orlando, Florida for this Rock Festival with my dad. I sing along and I explain to my dad what band is playing, who the members are, and who plays what. My dad, being my only parent/guardian who likes my music, sits and listens as he pays attention to the road.

A few hours later we get to Orlando the day before the festival and we get a hotel which looks all fancy and cool. The whole time my dad and I talk about music and bands, it was amazing!

The next day we get to the festival. I can't wait to go meet my favorite bands, see them live, jump into mosh pits, and crowd surf. I go to meet Motionless In White and they are amazing!!! I've pretty much became friends with them in the short 15 minutes and it was soo awesome. After MIW, I am going to see The Summer Set. After seeing them on stage, I go to meet them, because it's my dream to meet them and talk to Jess, the most amazing female drummer ever and I've realized I've lost my dad. He's no where to be found. I'm panicking because I don't do well in public places, in big crowds of people alone, my phone is dead, I have my charger, in the hotel, I cant find him, and i have no way of getting to the hotel. I managed to make my way to TSS. After I meet them I start crying and begin to leave. I'm the last one in line and they ask me what was wrong, I tell them, I mean they've saved me in many ways before, they can save me again, right now.

I don't know where, or what the hotel is, or how to find it. I have no way of contacting my dad so they decided to take me with them for the rest of the festival, and festival dates. This festival is like a tour, but it only travels in Florida and Georgia, it goes to Miami, Tampa, Fort Lauderdale, Atlanta, Athens and many more places.

I've gotten to know Brian, Josh, John, Stephen and Jess a lot in the past 24 hours and I've charged my phone. Of course I didn't charge it right away because I didn't have a charger so Jess, being the amazing girl she is, bought me one, hours after getting on the bus. My phone is finally charged after we start moving and are halfway to the next place, which is in Georgia. I have to tell my parents what is going on. They might not like it very much, but they'll have to deal with it, or come to Georgia to get me.


"Hey mom" I said a bit afraid and nervous.

"WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU!???" she screamed at me.

I was afraid and didn't want to answer and didn't know what to say to her but I replied "Mom, I-I I'm in Georgia" I stuttered a bit from being scared shitless about how she'll answer.


"Mom, I'm-I'm ... I'm on a tour bus with that band I love, The Summer Set, because I was walking to go meet them but I lost dad and my phone was dead and couldn't find him or a way to talk to him and they said they'd take care of me, and we are only in Savannah at the moment. It's not like I'm going to get killed or raped. There's a member who is a girl and she's helping and taking care of me as well as the guys but they don't really know what to do because they're guys and I'm a girl. And it's not like I'm in China" I had to explain so she wouldn't be so mad.

"When are you coming home?" She replied more calmly.

"I don't know, I guess whenever this tour is over" I sighed, I'm a bit upset about it, but if I don't go home right after, I'll be dead.

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