That's Just Great ...

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Chloes POV

I just told Sierra about how much of a whore I am. It's true. I always have been. I never settle for one guy. I bet if I get married, I will have brother-husbands. And there will be like 11. Ug! Fuck my life! I also showed her my cuts. I kind of got addicted. You can barely see my arms. I feel like doing it again though. Just to feel anything but pain.

I sighed as Sierra ran out in stage with PTV. I felt myself being lifted up and moved. I was shoved into a dark closet. The door shut and I couldn't see a thing. Then a random flashlight came on and startled me.

"Fuck Alan you scared the shit out of me!" I shout whispered so no one else would hear.

"I wanted to see you" He smiled.

"Well if you wanted to get me alone, all you had to do was ask" I winked. My dirty minded self.

He smirked and connected his lips onto mine. My fingers played with his gorgeous red hair. Alans hands squeezed my hips and held me close to him. His tongue was begging for entrance. I gladly let him in. Our tongues roaming eachothers mouths until we were out of breathe.

We pulled away, resting our foreheads on eachothers. I smiled and he returned the favor.

"Just had to do that before we go on" He stated.

"Well I'm very very happy you did my Ginger Prince" That's my nickname for him.

"See you later Kitten" His nickname for me.

He kissed my forehead and walked out. After about 5 minutes I walked out. Not suspicious at all. I sat down next to Brian from TSS. He looked sad.

"What's wrong Bry" That's what I call him.

"The girl I love kissed two other guys. I kind of got mad at her and she probably hates me, and im the reason she cut" He huffed and put his head in his hands.

"Sierra doesn't hate you. She is confused. And its okay to get mad Brian. Everyone does. You're not the reason" I advised.

"Thanks but how did you know, about that and that it was Sierra?" He asked.

"I know everything" I got up and walked away. I turned back around giving a playful wink, making him laugh.

Yeah, I'm a major flirt too. I flirt with everyone and anyone! Even Jaime! Yeah, weird but its who I am.

Pierce the Veil runs out with Sierra. I see the way Vic looks at Sierra. He really likes her. Maybe its love now. I don't know. Vic gets his heart broken a lot. His ex Cara was a bitch! Ever since her, its hard for him to love. I wish it was hard for me. Then I wouldn't be such a hoe.

I skip over to Vic like a little girl. He raised an eyebrow.

"Vic likes someone" I teased.

"Yeah, but you know her situation" He sighed.

"Yup and I und-" I coughed. He can't know about Alan and Alex. Only Tony. "I get it. Don't understand but get it" I lied hopping it wasn't obvious.

Vic was zoned out, staring at Sierra as Jack flirted with her. Jack and me are exactly alike. Like twins. In fact I call him my brother. He's my brother from another mother....And father. I stretched my arms.  I skipper over to them making sure my sleeves were still down. When I stretch my arms, they move up. I laid ky head on Sierras shoulder. She looked at me, a little uncomfortable with my sudden action.

"Hey there" I winked.

"Um hi" She spoke awkwardly.

I chuckled and moved off her shoulder. I put my elbow on Jacks shoulder and leaned. He gave me a playful death glare.

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