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So guys this is my first book and I don't really know how to write 😁 but I'm excited to see where this story goes because I don't know yet. If you have any advice on how I can improve or any suggestions then please comment and tell me what y'all think. Also if you liked it please rate I want to see what people think but other than that Enjoy!!

I was 9 years old when my mom and dad left me here at uncle Bobby's. He wasn't my real uncle I just called him that because he was my dads best friend. They worked together and at the time I had no idea what but obviously now that I've grown up I know about everything. My mom and dad never came to pick me up so Bobby decided to take me in as his own and had treated me as that for the past 12 years. I love him like a father.
I woke up and freshened up then hopped out of bed and rushed downstairs, I could smell the pancakes that Bobby had just started making.
"Morning Bobby" I said while my belly was rumbling and aching with hunger.
"Morning Soph" he replied in a jovial manner. I wonder why he's so happy...
Soph was my nickname he made for me . My full name was Sophia Russell. I have mid-length, wavy brown hair to match my hazel eyes which peculiarly have a bit of green in them. Bobby always tells me I remind him of my mother and it makes me upset because I realise how much I miss them.
When Bobby finally finishes making the breakfast I put the plates down and I sit down to eat. Bobby didn't sit down though, he was going around cleaning frantically.
"Bobby what's going on with you why are you acting so weird?" I asked, scrunching up my nose. It was a bad habit of mine and whenever I did it Bobby would come and pinch my nose to tell me to stop doing it.
He came and sat down in front of me whilst I shoved a forkful of pancakes in my mouth.
"The Winchesters are coming today!" He yelled excitedly
"The Winchesters?" I was still trying to catch up. If I remember correctly I hadn't seen these guys in about 10 years. They came round when I was younger and their dad was off hunting but we never talked much they kinda kept to themselves.
"When are they coming?" I asked.
"In about an hour" he replied glancing at the watch on his wrist.
I quickly finished my breakfast making sure Bobby ate also and cleaned the dishes. I then went upstairs to choose my outfit for the day. It was quite hot out so I decided to wear a white off the shoulder crop top with lace detail at the top with a pair of skinny jeans.
Knock knock. That must be them!

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