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I bolted up in bed. I remembered the events of last night but it felt like a dream. Unbelievably, Bobby accepted me and Dean, he was clearly trying to give me the space I needed. I was so excited to see Dean I hopped out of bed, freshened up and looked for something to wear. Wanting to look casual, I ended up picking out a white top that was quite loose and had long lacey sleeves, I matched it with black skinny jeans and a pair of vans. Done!
I ran down the stairs, excited to see Dean but there was no one at the table. My heart sank.
"Bobby" I called out
"Yeah? " he was sat in the living room on his computer.
"Where's Sam and Dean?"
"They went out hunting, you woke up too late, they had to go and investigate the crime scene."
I missed Dean and now I won't be able to see him for hours. Damn it. My lazy ass could've woken up a few hours earlier. I looked down at my phone and it said I had one voice message. Walking into the kitchen I pressed play,
"Hey Sophia if you've got this message you have probably just woken up, you were sleeping so peacefully I didn't want to disturb you. Me and Sammy may be a few days. I just want to say I love you so much and I can't wait to see you. When I come back we will spend a lot of time together so I can teach you how to fight and you can come with me next time. Anyways I've got to go, I'll call you when I can, I love you gorgeous" Deans deep voice sounded so sweet and soothing it made me feel relaxed. I wanted him to be here so bad. I wanted to feel his arms around me and wanted to feel his presence. Without him I was incomplete.
I sighed, realising I'd have to get on with my day without him. It was Halloween tomorrow, maybe there was good films on. I settled down to watch a movie on the first Halloween ever whilst eating my breakfast. It was boring but it was better than thinking about Dean not being here. I kept my phone close by so that if he rang I could pick up quickly.
"Hello?" I heard Bobby's voice and I went into where he was still sat.
"Who is it?" I asked
"Sammy- so what is it you want me to research? A monster called 'Samhain'? Right what I've got is that he was the monster who started Halloween, whoever is around him that doesn't wear a mask he will kill. This is what started the whole Halloween tradition, wearing masks meant people could his from him. Yeah kill him with Ruby's blade."
"When are they coming back" I asked eagerly.
"Soon hopefully" he said reassuringly.
I nodded my head and hopped back into the sofa to watch more movies.

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