I Want You

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I woke up on the sofa and I looked up to see deans worried face staring down at me, my head was in his lap.
"Hey" he said softly.
His voice made me feel relaxed and safe.
"Hey" I smiled.
"You hungry?" he asked.
"Is that even a question?" Me and Dean clearly both shared our love for food.
I got up and walked towards the table where Sam and Bobby were sat. Sam gave me a big smile and Bobby was looking down.
I got my burger out of the bag and settled down to eat it and Dean did the same thing.
We ate in silence until Bobby broke the silence. "Are we going to talk about this?"
I sighed internally, I didn't want to talk about this I was too tired. I looked at the clock it was only 6pm, I just wanted to go to bed.
"Soph.." Bobby started getting my attention.
"Yeah, Bobby, Dean listen, everything that demon said was so untrue, it was lying through its teeth I promise I didn't think of any of that"
"Don't worry, demons are filthy liars and we understand that they make stuff up." Bobby assured me and Dean nodded his head in agreement.
"So what did the demon say when she was in your body?" Sam asked softly.
"I don't remember exactly but it said something along the lines of, 'you are the closest I can get to killing Dean Winchester' I think that was about it to be honest." I answered. I didn't really remember everything properly it was quite hazy or maybe it was because I was just tired.
"Usually demons have a lot to say" Dean stated.
"How you feeling?" Sam asked facing me.
"Amazing!" I replied sarcastically earning a pitiful smile from Sam.
There was something wrong with Dean, he seemed too quiet and he was clearly lost in his thoughts. He must've seen me looking at him because he turned to me "Sophia can we talk outside please?"
I nodded as I followed him outside. I sat on one of the cars whilst Dean stood in front of me with his hands in his pockets.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"Sophia... We can't be together" he mumbled. His face was emotionless although I could see hurt in his eyes and could hear the strain in his voice.
My heart started beating fast, I couldn't lose Dean, what did i do?
"What? Why?" I was so confused and tired, why was he doing this to me.
"Sophia can you not see? All I'm doing is putting you in danger. I can't bare to see you get hurt." He yelled staring at me with his red rimmed eyes. I knew he didn't mean it, he was doing this for my own good but I didn't want to be safe if it meant I couldn't be with him
"Dean, you knew this was what would happen. Don't let this separate us, we're better than them. Plus all I need is training." I didn't yell, I said it calmly, I didn't want to fight with him. He looked sad and tired and I didn't want to make it harder for him.
"I'm sorry Sophia but I can't see you get hurt again and again, I didn't want to bring you into this." He shouted. It didn't seem as if he was shouting at me though, it was as if he was yelling at himself for what happened to me. It broke my heart and I didn't want to see him in anymore pain.
"Okay I understand" I nodded my head and walked back in the house and headed to my room. I loved Dean and this wasn't going to change anything. My heart was broken, all I wanted was to feel his arms wrapped around me keeping me safe  whilst I sleep.  I hopped into my cold empty bed and covered myself in the sheets. I let my head hit the pillow but I didn't fall asleep instead my head replayed what had just happened in my head. I shouldn't have let this happen. I should've taken Dean in my arms and told him I was there for him and that he wasn't alone. I shouldn't have left him.

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