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So Sam and Dean went out whilst I went to clean my room. I came downstairs and Bobby was sat in front of the phones ready to answer at any second, whilst reading an ancient book with folklore about vampires in it.
"Hey Bobby do you want anything?" I asked, we hadn't eaten anything since breakfast.
"No thanks Soph, there's some pie in the fridge if you're hungry" he said.
If he wasn't eating I wasn't either. I plumped down on the sofa in front of the TV and turned it on. Titanic was on, I didn't particularly like it but oh well, It was from the beginning. I was about halfway through the movie when Sam and Dean burst  through the door with Dean limping, holding onto Sam for dear life. I turned the TV off and ran to help them. Dean was bleeding from his stomach, the vampires must have gotten to them as he had bites on his neck also. I ran to get bandages and stitches. Whilst I went I heard Sam saying something along the lines of
"Castiel we need you, please come"
Who the hell was Castiel? I went in to be greeted by a man in a trench coat, I didn't recognise him. He was about the same height as Dean and had dark features. He placed two fingers on Dean and he was back to normal. I started backing up. Okay what the hell is going on?
"Um" I said.
"Sophia, meet Castiel, he is an angel who helps us, although he's more like family to us" Sam said.
"An angel" I replied, still in shock.
"Yes" the man in the trench coat, Castiel said.
"I know it may seem a bit weird to you but he really is an angel he looks after us" Sam said trying to make me understand.
I looked at Dean who was now getting up and walking towards me then I looked at Castiel.
Dean pulled his top up to show me the injury, to my surprise there was nothing there.
"See he really is an angel" Dean said giving me a reassuring smile. "Thanks by the way Cas" he looked at him and Cas nodded at him.
I smiled back, "okay I believe it, but why would an angel help you?"
"Because like Sam said, we are like family. Sam and Deans friends are my friends too, so if you ever need anything just call out to me and I will help you." Castiel walked towards me and smiled then with a gust of wind he was gone.
"Wow, Bobby did you know about this"I asked.
"Of course I did" he replied with a smirk on his face.
"Dean are you okay?" I turned to Dean who was still stood next to me.
"Better than ever" he said smiling. "Now if I remember correctly you were watching Titanic when I walked in, would you like to finish it?"
"Sure" I nodded and we made our way to the sofa and turned the tv on. Sam and Bobby were drinking beer and playing cards.

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