Early Morning Training

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I woke up early in the morning but didn't want to get up. I couldn't sleep with Dean on my mind. He was all I could think about and everything that happened yesterday. If only I need got out the house, I would probably be in Dean's arms right now and none of us would be hurting. I could see the pain in his eyes when he told me we could no longer be together. Quietly I sobbed into my hands. These damn monsters had made it a habit taking the people I loved away from me. Not anymore I was going to kick their asses.
I looked at my clock on my bedside table -9.00am. Sneakily I crept down the stairs to where Sammy was sleeping and poked him gently.
"Sammy, wake up" I whispered.
"What is it?" He mumbled sleepily.
"I need your help."
He bolted up "Whats wrong?"
"You need to train me"
"Ugh" he sighed "Sophia can it not wait?" He moaned.
"No come on." I dragged him out of bed. I wanted to show these sons of bitches what I was capable of. Mostly I wanted to show Dean I could take care of myself and that nothing could keep us apart. I loved him and I would do anything to get him back.
We freshened up and then he drove me to the gym. Walking in he turned to me and started talking.
"There are many things you have to do in order to train to become a better hunter. The first thing is being physically fit. You don't particularly have to be muscular but you have to make sure your healthy. Regular runs help."
I saluted to him "Yes sir"
He chuckled "Also, Sophia this means no more greasy diner food or burgers. You're going to have to go my style for a while and eat salads."
I groaned loudly "But.."
"Nope I don't want to hear it. No more." He ordered.
I reluctantly nodded my head.
"Right let's start off with the treadmill" he said walking towards it.
I stepped onto it, easy I thought, this is going to be easy. I started slowly then Sam gradually increased the speed so I was no more than sprinting then jogging and then full on running.
After 10 minutes I was tired, sweaty and breathless.
Sammy looked at me and smiled "Well done Soph, we will have a hunter made out of you in no time. Now I want you to wake up early for the next week and go running. Like I showed you slowly, then a bit faster and then a bit more and then push as hard as you can then finish off with a jog."
"Okay, what's the next part of training?"
"I'll teach you that later, right now Bobby has plans for you so we better head home."
I nodded my head as we got into the car.
"What does Bobby have planned for me?"
"We will have to see"
Last time Bobby had something for me it was a gun, surely it can't get worse than that.
We sat silently for a few seconds until Sammy interrupted it.
"So do you want to talk about what happened between you and Dean last night?" He looked at me with an understanding look on his face even though he didn't know what happened.
"I don't know..." I was unsure of whether to get into it again. Being with Sam, concentrating on kicking ass let me forget about Dean.
"He broke up with you didn't he?" He blatantly asked.
"How did you know?" I was so confused.
"Dean has a tendency to do things like that. He thinks people loving him is dangerous and that he shouldn't be loved. I try to talk to him but he always pushes me away. Since he met you he seemed like a changed person but I guess he still has his own problems huh"
I wanted Dean so badly right now, just to hug him and tell him I loved him and that he deserved to be loved and that he was my everything. Why would he feel that way about himself? I had never met anyone as great as him and I never will.
"I will get through to him I just need time." I reassured Sammy
"Good luck"
The journey back was complete silence. We were both surrounded in our own thoughts and daydreams. I knew I could get through to Dean, I just needed to figure out how.

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