First Hunt

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I woke up not even realising that I had fallen asleep. Dean and Cas were stood in the kitchen along with Bobby and Sam.
"Rise and shine, Soph" Bobby said as I rubbed my eyes and let out a loud yawn.
"What time is it?"
"4.00 am" Sammy replied.
"We need your help" Cas said.
I was confused, what could they possibly need my help with?
"What with?"
"So we have found Crowley, he is in a  Enochian sigils protected mansion. So we need our help to get in."
"I don't agree with this plan." Dean muttered. Bobby and Sam in agreement.
"Guys I can do it so what do I actually have to do?"
"Distract the guards outside and try and let them let you in then Sam Dean and Bobby can help to take out the rest."
"Sounds simple" I shrugged.
"What if she gets hurt? They're demons! Thy can't be trusted" Dean yelled.
I walked up to Dean and wrapped my arms around his waist. "I'll be fine" I whispered. "Plus I'll have you looking out for me, it can't go wrong."
He shook his head slightly. I cupped his chin and kissed him lightly. "I'll be okay" I assured him.
"Sophia are you sure you want to do this?" Sammy asked with a look of concern on his face.
I nodded. "Okay then go and get changed into something that will let the guards let you in okay?"
"What's that supposed to mean" I chuckled.
"I'll help you if you want" Dean smirked walking towards me.
"You better stay away boy" Bobby yelled making Dean jump.
He put his hands up in the air as a sign of defeat "okay okay, maybe next time" he looked at me as winked as Bobby gave him a death stare.
I walked up to my room and looked for something to wear. I found a little black mini dress. Maybe it'll do. I threw it on and put a bit of makeup on. Done!
I walked down the stairs.
"Wow Sophia you look really nice!" Castiel exclaimed.
Dean hit him on the shoulder. "She's mine buddy." He smirked at me as I rolled my eyes. He seriously had no shame flirting with me in front of Bobby. Bobby shook his head, clearly not liking Dean's show of affection.
"Okay come on" I chuckled.
"Your going to need a different car, here take the impala, me, Bobby and Dean will drive in the truck." Sammy ordered throwing me the keys.
"Sophia, you damage my baby, we're over." Dean threatened. I scoffed at his threat and walked out towards the beautiful car. I sat in the drivers seat and closed the door as I saw Dean walking towards me.
"Be careful okay,don't get hurt." He sighed.
"Don't worry" I sighed back and kissed him.
Then we were off on the open road with me following behind the truck.
"Hello Sophia"
I jumped so hard I nearly banged my head on the roof as I heard a gruff voice say my name.

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