No Control

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I was just going down to the local diner to get some food. It was quite cold and I felt a shiver creep up my spine. Keeping my handbag close- it had my gun in it- I cruised down the roads that were alive and full of people.
I finally arrived outside the diner and parked up. I took in my handbag and my phone started ringing.
"Hey" it was Dean's gruff voice.
"Hi" I replied with the biggest smile on my face
"I've missed you"
"I've missed you too especially Sammy" I teased
"Shutup Sophia, don't lie you missed me more" I heard the desperation in his voice.
"Hm I don't know, I'll have to think about that. Where are you guys?"
"Literally outside Sioux Falls where are you?"
"I'm in the local diner down the road from Bobby's"
"Oh okay I'll see you later okay.
"I love you Sophia"
"I love you more Dean"
I smiled to myself as I hung up the phone. It's incredible how happy someone can make you feel without them even knowing they're doing it to you. I had the whole lot of it butterflies at the mention of his name,  my heart skipping a beat whenever I saw him. I think it's fair to say that I was completely and utterly in love with Dean Winchester.
Once I was done daydreaming I walked into the diner and ordered my food and got food for everyone at home as well. As I was waiting I turned to look outside and saw a black impala. My mouth curved into a smile as I made my way outside.
Sam and Dean weren't in the car though they must have gone elsewhere. I shrugged and turned around when all of a sudden I was pinned up against the car. I looked up to see a middle aged woman with brown hair and black eyed staring back at me. She had her arm against my neck and wasn't loosening her grip. Struggling to breathe I made my way into my bag and got out the gun. I pulled the trigger just like Bobby taught me and shot it in the leg. She jumped back as smoke rose from her leg. I shot her again until she came up close to me again and yanked off my anti possession charm. It all went black and I screamed and cried but I realised nothing was coming out of my mouth, I no longer had control.

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