Lies and Betrayal

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"Why would a demon want to see me?"
"Because you're very special"
"Stop pissing around, get to the point." Dean yelled impatiently.
"What! Why am I special Crowley? Tell me!"
"Because... you're my daughter."

I stood there, my face blank. I didn't know what to feel, what to think. I was the daughter of a demon. I hated myself. Wait..
"Bobby did you know about this?"
He looked towards me with a guilty look on his face.
"I.. I knew that Lucas wasn't your real father and that you're a demons daughter but I didn't know by demon your mom mean him." He gestured towards Crowley, hatred and shock clear in his face.
"Bobby, why wouldn't you tell me? I.. I spent my whole life thinking I was alone in the world, that I had no family." Tears filling up my eyes, I could feel my legs go numb. I was angry, angry at Bobby, Crowley, my mom. I wanted to just not feel this pain that was growing inside my stomach. It felt like it was eating me up. I couldn't handle it anymore and I fell to the ground. My whole life is a lie. I'm an abomination.
"I thought my whole family were dead" I sobbed into Dean's shoulder who was now caressing me.
"Shh it's okay now Soph" he whispered.
I looked up at Crowley "Don't you dare call yourself my father, you're disgusting." I spat in a hatred filled voice, at the man who was staring at me, his eyes filled with remorse.
"Come on Dean let's get out here." Sam tapped him on the shoulder as we got up, Dean still holding on to me tightly.
Bobby didn't follow, he stayed but to be honest I didn't care anymore. Bobby lied to me and it hurts me to even think about what else he hasn't told me.
Sam got into the drivers seat of the impala as I curled up with Dean in the back seats.
"Dean.. I..I" I was sobbing so hard that I was choking on my words- unable to speak.
He stroked my hair "I'm so sorry Soph, it will be okay, we will do anything to help."
I just wanted to go. My home wasn't even home anymore, I couldn't bear to look at Bobby's face.
"Dean take me somewhere. I don't want to go back there." I whispered into his shoulder.
"Okay, Sammy let's just go to a motel."
I let the impala carry me as my mind wandered, thinking about everything. I felt so betrayed and disgusted with myself. I was disgusting. I had demon blood flowing through my veins.

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