I Really Dont Care

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I finally stepped out of the shower and wrapped myself in the towel. Looking in the mirror I saw that my eyes were still red and swollen. I didn't care, I just sat down to dry my hair. After my hair was done there was a knock on the door.
"Soph?" I heard Dean's voice "Can I come in?"
"Yeah" i replied unlocking the door to let him in.
"I've sent Sam to get some of your clothes and stuff, I hope you don't mind him going through your stuff."
I rolled my eyes."I couldn't care less Dean" I said in a monotone voice as I turned away from the mirror. He walked towards me and lifted my chin up to look at him.
"You going to let me talk now?"
"Nope" I said sternly shaking my head.
"Well Soph we're going to have to talk about it sometime" he gently whispered.
"Well not right now."
Staring into my eyes he let go of me and walked out of the room, closing the door behind him.
Normally I would go after him but not today, I was physically and emotionally drained.
I walked out in just my towel seeing the food Sammy had brought on the table.
"Eat" Dean ordered as he sat in the bed with his head resting on his hand.
"I dont want to" I muttered as I sat on the edge of the other bed and got my phone to ring Sammy.
I could hear Dean sigh behind me as the phone rang.
"Hello?" Sammy asked.
"It's Sophia where are you?"
"Literally just pulling up outside"
"Okay" I cut the phone off and placed it on the table and went to open the door for Sammy.
He came in with my bag of clothes and handed it to me. Walking to the bathroom to get changed I could feel Dean's eyes on me but I didn't turn around. I knew he was hurting because I was, I could see the pain in his eyes every time I looked at him. It was my fault.
I threw on a loose short white top with black jeans and put my hair in a ponytail.
I walked out of the bathroom and towards the front door.
"Where you going?" Dean asked.
"To the bar"
"Dean you don't need to know everything, just leave me alone, please" as soon as I said that I felt a pang of regret but I still walked out without looking back. I walked to the nearest bar and went in. It was fairly empty,seeing as it was about 1.00 am. I sat down in front of the bar to be greeted by a tall man with light brown hair and soft brown eyes. He caught me looking at him and smiled.
"Hey what can I get you?"
"Anything strong"
He chuckled as he turned to get me my poison. Reaching into my pocket I realised I had forgotten to bring money. I looked up seeing that my drink was already in front of me and that he was watching me fumble with my pockets.
"Don't worry, drinks on me"
I gave a weary smile and gulped it down. It burned my throat as it slithered down. Everything around me seemed to slow down as he came from around the bar. My eyesight became blurry and my body limp. As I fell backwards off my chair, he caught me and I looked into his black eyes. Wait, black eyes!?

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