Not Me

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I felt so afraid, I felt myself moving around but I couldn't control what I was doing. I went towards the bathroom and looked in the mirror.
"I've been looking for Dean Winchester for a long time now thanks to you I can hand him in to my master." Who said that, well it was me but not me. It came from my mouth but it wasn't me. I was so confused.
"Can you please shutup in there" I said knocking on my head."you're possessed honey not get over it."
Oh shit I was possessed. Everything was coming back to me the anti possession charm, everything. I felt panic arising but I wasn't reacting. I felt myself walk out and towards the counter to grab my food and then I sat in the truck and drove to Bobby's. How does this thing in me know where Bobby lives. It may have access to all my memories and thoughts.
"You're right I can see everything, every  little thing." I said.
I screamed at myself in my head 'you'll never kill Dean he will know there's something wrong'
"Poor you, you actually think you have a chance of winning this war? Well you don't so shutup"
I felt so helpless and alone, I had no idea what to do.
I walked in through the door.
Dean and Sam weren't home.
"Hey Bobby where's Sam and Dean?"
"They're on their way home" he shouted from another room.
I felt myself walk into the room he was sat in.
"Bobby I just wanted to say something, I've never liked you, you're a drunken bastard and you don't give a crap about me, I know you don't."
Bobby looked up at me with a puzzled and sad look on his face it broke my heart and I couldn't do anything about it. Why was this bitch making things up? I did not feel that way in the slightest, Bobby was my father.
"Sophia.." He hesitated as he looked at me. He got up walked past me into the living room. I felt myself follow him towards where he was stood facing the wall. He turned towards me and pushed me hard and then looked up and chuckled.
I was in a devils trap.
"You bastard, everything I said was true, I'm just saying what Sophia thinks."
I was so happy, he had done it. I was nearly free! I hated the feeling of having no control over my body. I was busy staring down Bobby when we heard the front door open.
"Hello?" I heard Sammy ask.
"Come in here guys." Bobby said.
"Yeah come and join the audience" I felt myself say. Wow this demon was a cocky bitch.
"Oh my gosh, she's possessed, I talked to her on the phone like an hour ago though." Dean said he had a shocked but angry expression on his face. His hands were clenched and his teeth were grinding together. "I'm going to enjoy sending you to hell you stupid bitch"
He spat.
"Huh Dean, she doesn't even like you, she just felt bad for you and decided to go out with you"
Hid nostrils flared in annoyance as
they started chanting the exorcism spell and I felt myself screaming. It was excruciatingly painful. I was being tossed around within the circle. It felt like someone got a red hot burnin rod and left it on my skin. A few minutes later it was all over and I felt myself gaining power over my body once more. "Adios bitch" were the last words I heard before everything faded out to black and I felt myself drift away.

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