The Man In The Black Suit

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"Castiel!" I screeched "You can't scare me like that whilst I'm driving"
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." "It's okay, what are you doing here?"
"Dean sent me to check on you"
"Why? I'm only driving"
He turned to look at me with a concerned look on his face."Sophia, this is your first hunt, we all want to make sure your handling it well. All this can really affect you, you know."
I looked back at him and smiled briefly before turning my concentration towards the road again. "You don't need to worry Cas I'm fine, honestly." 
I could see the mansion in the distance, we were nearly there.
"Sophia, you know I'm here for you, whatever you need. Unfortunately I can't go any further. The mansion is protected from Angels."
"Okay, thanks for checking in on me Cas. I'll see you later." He was gone and I could now see the mansion in plain view.
We arrived outside of the demons mansion. He picked the right human to possess. It was a beautiful house which had security guessing the large iron fences that surrounded it. I knew what I had to do. I drove right in near the gate whilst the truck carried on down the road to park out of sight.
I could see the security guard looking up about to walk towards me. He was possessed, my guess was that they all were. My heart started racing and I swallowed hard as I opened the door and hesitantly stepped out.
I clenched my jaw, I had to do this. Slowly I allowed an alluring smile to form on my face. Looking up at the security guard I pouted slightly.
"I'm so sorry to disturb sir, I was just wondering if you could help me, my car has broken down." I said in a sweet innocent voice.
The man who was much taller than me and bald turned to his other three guards and nodded at them. The towering gates slowly creaked open as the man walked towards me and looked me up an and down.
"Come with me"
"Okay." I started walking when all of a sudden I heard a rustle and within a blink of an eye the man had a knife through his skull- the demon knife.
I saw Sammy going after the other two guards and killing them in one swing of a knife.
Dean came up behind me and placed a hand on my back. "You okay?" He asked as he stared in to my eyes. His eyes were heavy with worry.
"Yeah" I smirked and kissed him.
"Okay you two lovebirds can continue this later but we need to go right now." Sam urged as he and Bobby ran to the front door.
We all stepped in as Bobby shoved a gun in my hand and nodded at me. I pulled the trigger and pointed it out, ready to shoot at any moment.
Dean kept me behind him, ready to protect me.
Suddenly 5 more guards burst rd through the double doors in front of us. Sammy took down 1, Bobby took down another and Dean took down two. The last demon was coming up behind Dean when I shot it in the head and Sammy pounced on it, stabbing it viciously with the demon knife.
"Hey, I'm supposed to have your back but you quite literally had mine then." Dean chuckled. I smiled back and was about to talk when all of a sudden a man who was quite short, chubby and dressed in a black suit strides into the room. I tilted my head and took in his appearance. My memories of childhood flooding back. When my eyes met his I could see he was staring back. There was an emotion clearly being shown on his face but was it fear, sadness, guilt, remorse? I didn't know. But what I did know is that this was the man that had walked into my house and had left me unharmed. I knew this man.

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