Demon Blood

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I woke up in Dean's arms, it was still dark outside and Sammy wasn't here. Dean hadn't realised I had woken up and I could see him staring off in the distance with his brows furrowed.
"Hey" I whispered softly.
"Hey, how you holding up?"
"I'm effing fantastic" I remarked,
laughing sarcastically.
Looking at me with concern he came closer towards me, kissing me gently.
"I'm so sorry Soph"
"I don't care anymore I don't want to talk about it." I muttered, sliding from underneath Dean's arm and out of bed. Grabbing his shirt I went into the bathroom to change out of my uncomfortable mini dress.
I walked out with only Dean's shirt on. I could feel Dean's eyes on me but I was too tired to care that he's seeing me with hardly any clothes on for the first time.
He walked towards me as I went to the fridge to grab the whisky. Turning around I was greeted by his face inches in front of mine. I could feel his warm breath on my neck as goosebumps appeared all over my body. He still managed to take my breath away.
"Sophia.." He started but I walked away I didn't want to hear any of it I was too tired.
Suddenly he pushed me up against the wall. His lips crashed down on mine with indescribable passion. My mouth watered for more as I allowed his tongue to enter my mouth and explore. I wanted him. Badly. My legs wrapped around his body as I stared into his eyes, his apple green eyes full of lust. He carried me and threw me on the bed. "Stop distracting me I need to talk-"
I arched into him and forced my lips against his as he grabbed me tighter. I needed him. Dean was my only desire.

Knock knock. "It's Sammy, let me in"
Sighing internally, I let go of Dean, allowing him to let Sammy in. As he dragged himself towards the door I decided to just go for a shower.
Not caring anymore, I just stood there letting the hot water burn my skin. I reached out for the scrubber coating it with layers and layers of the hotel body wash. Grabbing it I scrubbed my skin as hard as I could. I was disgusting and I needed to be cleansed. When I looked down I saw my arm was bright red and I suddenly felt a sharp stinging in my arm. I fell to the ground and buried my face in my hands.
This was me. I had demon blood pumping through my veins every second I took a breath. I hated myself.

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