Trust Issues

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We sat in the Impala, it was the first time I'd been in this car. I looked around,
"Nice isn't it?" Dean asked.
"Yes it's beautiful" I replied.
He started the car as 'Back and Black' blasted through the speakers. I looked at him.
"What?" He remarked as he reached to turn the stereo off but I grabbed hold of his hand.
"Nothing, I didn't say anything, I like this song too" I smiled. He looked back at me and we stared into each other's eyes.
"So, do you want to do something?" Dean asked.
"We have to go get the food" I said.
"No", he laughed "that was just an excuse for Bobby to let you out the house with me because we know how protective he is over you"
I laughed with him. "So Sam is in on this huh?"
He nodded his head.
I turned to look out the window. "Let's go to the bar"
"Sure" he agreed as we sped off and out of Bobby's front yard.

[Deans POV]
I opened the door of the Impala for her and we got out. I took her hand as we walked in through the doors. Many women looked at me flirtatious now if I wasn't with Sophia I would've obviously flirted back but what's the point? Sophia was better than all of these girls.
I looked at her, "You look really beautiful Sophia" I smiled and stroked her face.
I felt her blush and look away. Her shyness was so cute.
"Thanks" she replied in a small whisper.
"So do you want to talk? It seems like you know most of the stuff about me but I don't really know anything about you."
"Yeah there's not much to talk about really. My mom and dad left me at Bobby's to go on a hunt but they never returned."
"Wow I'm so sorry, how old were you?"
"9" she said.
I put my arm around her as we sat down in a booth.
"I'm sorry" I said as I gave her a sympathetic smile.
She didn't deserve this, she's been through so much I just wish I could help her.
"So you've been to hell" she said.
"Hm yep as weird as it sounds"
"It must have been horrible, you have been through so much yet you are still so strong" she looked up at me.
I couldn't take it, I leaned in and let my lips touch hers, she didn't kiss back she looked away.
Wow, what was that I thought she liked me. "Dean.." She said but I didn't want to hear it. "Let's go home" I said not making eye contact as I walked out.
I stopped to get food for Sam, Bobby and Sophia then I sped home. It was complete silence which added to the awkward atmosphere.
We got home and I out the food on the table.
"I need to clear my mind, I'll be outside." He said as He walked out the door.

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