You and I Were Meant To Be

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Me and Dean walked home. The night fell upon the town like a dark curtain and the stars shine bright, trying to make themselves visible. Dean held me close as we made our way home.
We stood outside the dimly lit window and he pulled me into a kiss before we walked inside innocently.
Bobby and Sam were fast asleep and I decided to go up with Dean following me.
"Dean I need to get changed" I whined pretentiously.
"Why can't you do it in front of me?"
"Okay but wait"
He pushed me up against the wall and locked his lips with mine once again. He grabbed me roughly and squeezed my ass. I moaned as he moved down to my neck and started kissing me. He pushed me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. I wanted him all to myself. He pulled away from me and both of us were breathless and smirking.
Knock knock. Why? Seriously right now?
Dean walked towards the door to find Sammy stood there rubbing his eyes. He looked like a little child who had just awoken. "I hope I didn't disturb anything I was just checking you guys got home safe. Okay Dean time to sleep come on."
Dean whacked him on the head and walked towards me giving me one last peck before walking out, leaving me staring after him. My heart was still pounding and full of desire. He was the only thing I needed.

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