Big Brother

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I didn't feel like eating so I sat on the sofa waiting for Dean to come back in. I wanted to explain myself. I waited for ten minutes, twenty minutes, half an hour. I was done waiting.
"Hey Sam if you don't mind can I talk to you for a few minutes?" I asked normally so Bobby didn't become suspicious.
We went into another room so that Bobby could not hear.
"Hey Sophia what's up? And what's wrong with Dean I wanted to ask you but I didn't want Bobby getting suspicious"
I always liked Sam he was just so sweet and kind. He was very helpful and was easy to get along with.
"I need your help. I like Dean don't get me wrong, he tried to kiss me but I pulled away."
"Okay, why did you pull away?" He asked looking at me with a confused look.
"Basically 2-3 months ago my boyfriend cheated on me and beat me up, I know I may sound pathetic but I'm having a hard time trusting people now seeing as I put so much effort into that relationship only for it to be broken in the end."
He looked at me with an understanding look and have me a sympathetic smile.
"I'm so sorry Sophia",he said as he placed a hand on my shoulder.
"Listen to me, Dean is not the kind of person that would break your trust I should know I've grown up with him, he isn't like that. If he is in love with someone he takes it seriously and I know he is in love with you Sophia I see it. He opens up to you like he has never opened up to anyone before. However I also understand your story and I understand that you should take as long as you need" he said. Dean is in love with me? Love? Me?
"Sammy thank you so much, this helped a lot" I said as I reached to give him a hug. He hugged me back and then I was about to turn and walk away.
"Hey Soph? One last thing. Dean has been through a lot and I know you have too but Dean has been through hell, literally. He's very fragile now, he's different, please don't break his heart."
"Don't worry Sammy" I said and with that I turned around and walked outside.

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