Gun training

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It was the next day and Sam and Dean still weren't home. I missed both of them so much, the house felt empty without Dean's humour and Sammy's sarcasm. I figured I had to do something to make the day go by quickly so I rolled out of bed and got changed. I chose out a hoodie and a pair of leggings.
"Hey Bobby?" I called as I went down the stairs.
"I'm about to head out and get some food, want anything?"
"No thank you but come here I have to give you something."
I walked towards the kitchen, what did he have to give me.
"Here" he got up and searched around the kitchen as he pulled out a pistol. "It's loaded with salt bullets, if you see a demon then shoot at them straight away."
I was shocked, Bobby has never let me touch a gun let alone use one. But I was also scared I didn't know how to use it and now I knew that demons were out to get me, I had no idea how to defend myself.
"Um okay" I stuttered unsure of how to even hold it.
"Here come out in the front I'll teach you how to use it." He said clearly acknowledging my fear.
I followed him out into the front yard as he pulled the trigger and aimed at a car mirror and shot. I jumped, wow that was loud.
"Here now you try."
I grabbed the gun and mimicked how Bobby held it and pulled the trigger. I missed by a bit and it hit the window.
"Try again" Bobby prompted.
I shot again and again until I finally hit the side mirror.
"Well done Sophia I'm surprised you weren't scared to hold the gun. When I taught Dean how to shoot his hands would start shaking before he even picked the gun up" we both laughed.
"Okay so do I need anything else?"
"Yeah" he fumbled in his pocket and bought out a silver chained necklace with a pendant- it was a devils trap.
"So this is an anti possession charm huh?"
He nodded his head "don't take it off ever no matter who asks"
I nodded my head "okay"
He gave me a little smile "I'm so sorry you had to be brought up in all this" he lifted up my chin "I love you Sophia, keep safe" he kissed me on my forehead and I smiled back at him as I walked towards the truck. "Bye Bobby"
He gave me a wave and I was off.

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