Once I Was 7 Years Old

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"Do you two know each other?" Dean asked as he looked back and forth between me and Crowley.
"Um.." I stuttered, I didn't know what to say. My mouth was dry and my mind blank.
"Hello Sophia." Crowley slowly walked towards me as I stood there not knowing what to do. Before he could even come near me Sam interjected and put the demon knife to his throat.
"Don't go near her" Sam snarled at Crowley.
"Sam, let him talk, I need to know what's going on." I pleaded as Sam stepped aside and nodded but still keeping his stance. Dean stood next to me with his gun ready to use at any moment.
"Sophia, all them years ago, I didn't just come to visit you for no reason." He started.
"He came to visit you, what do you mean?" Bobby was confused.
"I came looking for you but you weren't there, but I also came to see you Sophia." Crowley replied.
"Why would a demon want to see me?"
"Because you're very special"
"Stop pissing around, get to the point." Dean yelled impatiently.
"What! Why am I special Crowley? Tell me!"
"Because... you're my daughter."

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