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We got out of the car and walked in through the front door where Bobby and Dean were sat. 
"Where have you guys been?" Bobby asked looking up and smiling.
"Just took her to the gym." Sam replied
"Oh okay, anyways Sophia, I need you to do something." Bobby started but my concentration was on Dean who was looking down and playing with his food.
"Sophia?" Bobby waved his hands in front of my face trying to get my attention.
"Yeah I'm listening."
"So you know how Dean and Sam have got their anti possession tattoos, I think you should get one too"
My face was a clear display of terror. I was afraid of anything sharp or pointy. No way I was too scared.
"Bobby you know how I get with needles, I can't do it."
"It's okay Dean will hold your hand." He joked. But none of us laughed. It was awkwardly silent after that.
"Sophia do you want some cereal?" Sammy asked.
"Yes please."
"Anyways, Sophia this is one thing I'm begging you to do, for me please at lest I know there's a very low chance of you getting possessed." He begged.
I really didn't want to do it but it was for my own safety. I remembered the pain I felt when the demon was in my body as if I was slowly suffocating. The pain of a needle must be nothing compared to that pain I felt.
"Fine." I sighed realising that it was for my own good.
"I'll call Gordon, he knows how to do tattoos." Bobby said as he got up to ring Gordon.
Sammy gave me my cereal and I started eating. "Dean you okay?" He asked.
"I'm fantastic" Dean replied sarcastically not looking up.
"Dean, I'm sorry." I said, I couldn't care to see him like this.
"Can we talk about this later?" He said getting up and walking away. I nodded my head at his back. It was all my fault. Poor Dean, blaming himself for everything when it was my fault.
"He'll be here in 10" Bobby said walking in, interrupting my thoughts.
My heart started beating faster, I was scared..
"Go and get changed" Sam put a hand on my shoulder.
I nodded my head and made my way upstairs. A few seconds later I heard someone else coming up the stairs- Dean.

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