Set things straight

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My eyes were closing when I heard a thump. I jumped and turned around.
Dean was on the floor and the door was wide open. I ran to him, "Dean are you okay, Dean oh my gosh what's wrong."
"Nothing, get off me" he slurred, I smelt it in his breath- alcohol , and lots of it. He really must've gone to the bar.
"Come on let's get to the sofa." I said, putting his arm around my shoulder and lifting him up. I dragged him to the sofa and turned to close the front door that was still open when he grabbed m arm.
"Sophia" he said looking up at me "stay with me, please don't leave me, I don't want to be alone anymore." I looked at him, his eyes were swollen with sadness and he had a sense of emptiness. The way he looked broke my heart. It was all because of me.
"Hang on one second." I closed the front door and went back to Dean and sat next to him. He put his head on my shoulder and sighed. I was internally sighing as well, I wanted to talk to him but he was in no state to talk.
I sat there waiting for him to fall asleep and when he finally did I lay his head down on the sofa and put a blanket on him.
"Good night" I whispered and crept up to bed.

I stayed up quite late last night so I slept and didn't wake up. I didn't want to because I knew I would have to face Bobby and I was not ready for that at all. I heard someone coming up the stairs so I closed my eyes, pretending to sleep. My door squeaked open. "Sophia, it's Sam, you can stop pretending" he whispered, laughing quietly.
I opened my eyes and pouted. I needed Sam right now, he comforted me and made me feel loved. I sat up and he came and sat in my bed next to me.
"What's up Soph?" He asked.
"Dean came home drunk last night, very drunk" I said.
"Don't worry about Dean, that's normal for him. But I'm not on about Dean right now I'm talking about Bobby, what happened last night? I heard shouting and now Bobby is being moody old bastard." I giggled
"All I did was ask him if he would ever allow me to go hunting with you guys, some words were said and the whole thing was blown out of proportion." I replied with a look of resentment on my face. Sam put his hand underneath my chin.
"Hey, you may be able to make decisions for yourself now but hunting is a very serious thing. I feel like this is what the argument was about. Bobby understands what hunting is and how it can ruin your life. I guess he's just looking out for you Sophia."
I nodded my head. "Should I just try to talk to him?"
"Yes and if you don't I will make it awkward on purpose." We both laughed. I put my head on his shoulder and we stayed like that for a long time until he finally said we should go downstairs. I nodded and freshened up. I wore white top with a black skirt today.
I took a deep breath and walked down the stairs to see Dean still sleeping on the sofa and Bobby hunched over the table spinning his beer bottle. It was time to talk.

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