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I woke up in my bed for some reason. I got up , brushed my teeth then went downstairs. The smell of food made my mouth water.
I went down the stairs to see bags of food on the table and the boys sat around doing their usual thing on their computers.
"Morning guys" I said in a jovial manner.
"Hey" Sam said.
"How did you sleep?" Dean asked.
"Okay, why do you ask?" I replied suspiciously
"Maybe because you fell asleep on my shoulder" Dean said smirking.
"Oh shutup, it was because I was so tired okay, get over yourself, now come on I'm starving what are we eating?"
Sam pointed towards the bags, "Dean decided to go with a Winchester style breakfast."
I opened the bags to find two burgers and two salads.
"The burgers are for me and you and the salads are for Bobby and Sam" Dean said.
I looked at the burger, my favourite how did he know? I wouldn't dare say anything or his head would get even bigger.
I sat down at the table after giving the boys their food and began to eat. After finishing my food I collected the rubbish and threw it in the bin then went upstairs. I decided to wear something a little different today, it was like a jumpsuit but with short trousers and the top bit was off the shoulder and frilly at the top. I went downstairs after brushing my hair. Dean let out a wolf whistle and I could feel myself blush.
"Hey shutup Dean that's my daughter your talking about" Bobby yelled. He's so cute calling me his daughter, he truly was my father. "You look beautiful Soph" I smiled at him and looked at Dean who gave me a wink.
Somebody knocked at the door and I went to open it. Why was he here? It was my ex Daniel, it had been 2 months since I had last seen him. I was frozen into place and didn't know what to say. "Hey" he said awkwardly.
"Um hi?" I replied adding to the awkward atmosphere.
"Who is it?" Bobby shouted.
"Daniel" I replied.
I could hear Bobby and Dean talking in the back.
"Can we talk?" asked Daniel withholding our eye contact.
"Okay" I replied reluctantly as I stepped outside. We walked towards one of the cars in Bobby's front yard and I perched on the bumper as he looked at me. He was clearly nervous and was playing with his fingers.
"So..." I said trying to make him talk.
"So, I'm just going to get into it, Sophia I still love you, I never stopped loving you, I don't know what I was thinking it was like I had no control over my body.. I ...I, I think about that night a lot. It was like it wasn't me I seriously don't know what happened I am so sorry" he said, he looked like he meant it.
"I don't know what to say" I replied
"I know that what I did was wrong"
"Wrong? You cheated on me in front of me then when we got back to your house you beat the shit out of me and left me on your porch and walked away." I yelled. I could feel myself get hot and tears were threatening my eyes.
He didn't know what to say, he just stood there. "I'm sorry" he whispered.
"Sorry doesn't cut it you son of a bitch, I know what you did now you better get the hell out of here before I beat the crap out of you and leave you here" a voice from behind me shouted in a deep voice. I turned around, it was Dean, Bobby must have told him everything. His veins in his neck were popping out and I could tell he was clenching his teeth. He looked so angry, he scared me and especially Daniel, as he flashed me an apologetic look before turning away and walking out.
"Dean calm down" he was breathing heavily and his fists were clenched. I didnt know what to do so I gave him a hug. I felt his heart pounding heavily against mine. I didn't let go until he hugged me back. When I finally let go he seemed calmer and was back to his normal goofy self.
"Are you okay Soph?" he said stroking my face.
I nodded and he put a hand on my back and led me inside.

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