The Arrival

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I made my way to the door and saw that Bobby had fallen asleep on the sofa with a bottle of beer in his hand. He must have stayed up all night in excitement! Knock knock, there went the door again interrupting my thoughts. I looked through the peephole and saw two men so I opened the door.
"Hey" one the guys said, it must be Dean he always had a kind of charm to him. He had dark hair and the greenest eyes. He was the same size as me and a lot shorter than the man stood next to him.
"Hey" I smirked. He had changed a lot.
So the tall one must be Sam, wow he has grown up so much. Sam had brown eyes with tinges of green in them. He had mid length brown hair and the cutest smile that could light up any room.
They were both very physically fit. Dean's muscles protruded in his short sleeved grey top and you could see Sam's muscles bulging through his jacket sleeves.
"Come in guys" I said moving to the side to let them in after taking in their appearances. They put their bags on the floor and Sam gave me a hug.
"It's nice to see you again Sophia, you have grown so much" he said, he looked happy to see me and I was happy to see them too.
"So..." Dean said, "where's Bobby?" He looked around with his hands in his pockets.
"He fell asleep waiting for you guys I'll go and wake him up" I replied
"No let him sleep" Sam said.
Dean clasped my arm, "Maybe we could catch up for a while" he said with a smirk on his face so I followed him to the sofa. I sat in between Sam and Dean and we sat like that for hours just talking, laughing and having a good time, when Bobby finally came tumbling down the stairs and to his surprise saw Sam and Dean sat there. You could clearly tell he was excited and it was the cutest thing ever. They hugged and caught up and we had a couple of beers then settled to play a game of cards. After that Sam and Bobby fell asleep. It was just me and Dean. I got up to throw the empty bottles away when I felt Dean watching me.
I pretended like I didn't know and walked away.
"How did you get so beautiful? I mean you were always beautiful but like wow" I jumped, I didn't hear him come up behind me.
I could feel myself blushing "Thanks"
He put his hand to my face and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. "I think we better get some sleep don't you think?" I nodded my head. I went up to bed whilst Dean settled down on the sofa.

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