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I reached the bottom of the stairs and he didn't even turn around.
"Hey" I said cautiously. I went and sat down on the table in front of him. His eyes were swollen and he was surrounded with a strong smell of beer and alcohol.
"Listen.."he started but I interrupted,
"No, Bobby what I said was out of order and unnecessary, you took me in as your own and I was just acting like an ungrateful brat, I'm so sorry" I babbled.
"Sophia, I'm sorry, you asked a question and I got too protective. I thought about what you said and I've realised that you're right I can't just keep you in this little bubble all your life. You know what's out there and you need to defend yourself. What happened yesterday was unnecessary I agree and I'm sorry." He smiled and got up to give me a hug, I hugged him back, embracing the moment.
I gave a long sigh of relief, I'm glad that's over.
"Where's Sam by the way?" I asked.
"He's in the basement" he replied.
I went downstairs to find Sam.
"Sam?" I whispered.
"Yeah? I'm in here" he yelled.
I followed his voice into the room where Bobby kept all his supplies and saw Sam packing bullets with salt.
"Hey Soph, how did it go?"
"Great, surprisingly he said he thought about what I said yesterday and that he agreed with it!" I exclaimed.
"Well that's great! Is Dean awake yet?"
"Nope" I shook my head. "Hey, Sammy do you think you could teach me how to defend myself like how to fight?"
"Sure I could, but I have an idea.." He smirked.
"What? Tell me." I pleaded
"You'll have to wait and see" he made his way up the stairs and I followed him. Bobby was cooking a late breakfast and Dean was still lounging on the sofa.

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