Wish Upon A Star

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We were currently all sat around the table, Gordon had left.
"Sophia I was wondering if you wanted to go out tonight?" Dean asked.
I smiled "Of course."
"Bar?" He suggested
Sam cleared his throat "Sophia is not going to the bar for a while, she needs to stay healthy, she's started her training."
"Talk about killjoy." Dean scoffed.
Sam hit his arm playfully and Dean rolled his eyes.
"I agree Sam" Bobby said.
"Well where could we go then?" Dean sighed.
"Let's just go on a walk."
"Ugh fine let's go in a bit when it's darker."
I nodded my head and sat on the sofa turning the TV on.
"Anyone up for a movie?"
"Yeah" Sam and Dean both replied.
"I have to return, I'll see you guys later." Castiel said and fluttered away.
"I'm going to look for something to do" Bobby said.
Dean and Sam made their way towards the sofa. I sat in deans lap with his arm wrapped around my belly and his head resting perfectly on top of mine.
"Shall we watch insidious?"
They both shrugged their shoulders and watched intently from the beginning. Everytime there was a jump scare Dean would wrap his arms around me tighter and kiss me on my head. It wasn't even scary though. The credits finally came on.
"Well that was rubbish" Sam remarked.
"You didn't even take your eyes off the screen" I said.
" I did"
"Whatever" I laughed.
"Ready to go?" Dean asked and I nodded my head and got up.
"Sophia go get a jacket it's cold outside." Bobby yelled from the kitchen as we walked towards the door.
"Can't be bothered" and with that we were out the door.

Bobby was right, there was a cold breeze but we were already walking away from the house now. Dean had an arm lightly hanging around my waist as we walked. He must've felt me shiver because he started taking off his leather jacket. "It's okay" I said
"No wear it" he demanded, so I did. It smelled like Dean and was so warm and cosy. It was quite dark as it was 10.00 pm. The wind made the winds slowly wave around in sync and the stars above were shining bright.
We walked up to a bench and sat down.
"Dean? Can I ask you a question?"
"Go ahead"
"Earlier today you were closing your eyes when I was having my tattoo done. Why?"
I lay my head on his shoulder, it perfectly fit like we were meant to be.
"Because Sophia I can't bare to see you in pain, you don't understand what it does to me."
I looked up at him and he gently got my head an pulled me into a passionate kiss. Now it really was just me and him.
"Hey look a shooting star" he pulled away and pointed toward the sky.
"Make a wish" I said.
We both squinted our eyes shut and wished- for what I can't say otherwise it wouldn't be a secret and it wouldn't come true.
"My turn to ask you a question Sophia" Dean said.
"Did you have a normal life after you know..."
"My parents died?"
"I guess I did, I went to school but you're lucky you missed out on that I'm telling you" I chuckled
"Did you ever have any experiences with demons whilst you were living your normal life?"
"There was this one time when I was 7 and somebody knocked on the door so I opened it and there it was a man in a black suit. He came in and he didn't really do anything he just looked around and asked me where Bobby was. He turned his eyes black but for some reason I wasn't afraid and he didn't hurt me."
"What? Did you tell Bobby this?" His face was a show of complete shock.
"No" I mumbled
"Sophia no demons are ever nice trust me on this one, the last time we trusted a demon it didn't go well."
"I know but I felt something special with this demon"
"Like what? Like love?"
"Noo like a deep bond but i don't know. Forget it it doesn't matter."
Dean chuckled.
"I'm glad I've got you to protect me now" I smiled at him.
"I'm telling Bobby you said that!" We both chuckled and I lay my head on his shoulder. We watched the stars all night not needing to say anything. The way our hearts neared in the presence of one another said it all. We were completely and utterly in love.


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