Heart to Heart

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I went into my room and he followed. I closed the door and smiled at him, he looked down.
"Listen Sophia, you know I like you, I just don't want you feeling bad for what's happened between us, it's not your fault." He mumbled.
"No it is my fault Dean, if I hadn't have gone out in the first place none of this would've happened." I shook my head in disappointment.
He walked towards me and lifted up my chin " Its no ones fault Soph. You don't understand how badly I want you right now."
"So take me Dean I'm right here."
"You know I can't, it's dangerous."
"Dean were never going to be apart, whether we're dating or not we're still going to be together! I'll always be in danger, whether the demons are after you or my parents." I yelled and immediately felt a wave of guilt wash over me, he was hurting too I shouldn't have yelled at him. "Sorry" I muttered.
"Dean you know it's true, so why can't we be together we both love each other?" I sounded so desperate but I didn't care.
"Because I'm not good enough for you Sophia okay!" He shouted.
"I'm broken Sophia, you deserve better, I'm not enough for you." He sat down on my bed with his head in his hands.
"Dean Winchester look at me right now" I could feel my eyes starting to well up. How could this amazing man feel this way about himself it broke my heart. "You are amazing and talented and let's not forget the amount of lives you've saved. People are still breathing because of you Dean. That's something. You've been brought back from hell for goodness sakes, you must mean something do you not see that."
I yelled at him whilst he stared at me, tears rolling down his face and mine.
"People care about you Dean, Sammy, Bobby, me. You are important and I love you Dean Winchester." I sat beside him on the bed, my heart beating fast whilst I just absorbed everything that came rolling out of my mouth.
"I love you too Sophia."
We stared into each other's eyes not needing to say anything. The way our hearts beat in sync would show anyone the strength of our love. Finally he crashed his lips upon mine. It started off gently but then got more passionate. I parted my lips slightly allowing his tongue to discover my mouth... *knock knock. We parted quickly an jumped off the bed wiping our tears off our faces.
Sammy's head popped around the corner "You ready Soph?" He asked.
"Give me a few more minutes." I smiled at him and he nodded his head and walked away.
Dean pulled me into another quick kiss before walking towards the door. He turned around and flashed me a smile then disappeared out of the room.
I sat down on my bed for a moment just taking in the events that just took place in the last 10 minutes. Everything but happened so fast. Slowly my heart beat went back to normality and u quickly got changed into a black tank top and shorts. I ran down the stairs. They were waiting for me and I could hear Gordon firing up the tattoo machine. Oh no I was so not ready for this.

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