Dont Panic

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I walked into the room where I saw Dean Sam and Bobby gathered around the sofa whereas Gordon was sat on it with that dreadful pain giver in his hand. I wanted to cry. I laughed at myself, I couldn't even get a tattoo let alone gank monsters.
"Hey Gordon" I smiled standing awkwardly in the doorway.
Clearly knowing I was trying to postpone it he said " Hey it's great to see you and all that but sit your ass down so we can get this over with."
I looked up to the ceiling and let out a long sigh then started walking towards Gordon.
"Don't talk about her find ass like that Gordon" Dean chuckled. I felt my cheeks getting hot as I blushed. As if he just said that in front of Bobby.
"Dean" Bobby said sternly obviously trying to hide his laughter. Sam broke out in laughter as well. I looked towards Dean and shook my head to which he replied with a wink. He was so adorable how could he think all those horrible things about himself, it broke my heart.
My attention came back to eyes stared into his pleading to be gentle. He was a light skinned man and was quite tall. His face was very serious but in reality he was a light hearted man with a very humorous personality. He was Bobby's old hunting partner but Bobby had retired when his wife died and he had to take care of me.
"Come on Soph"Gordon prompted snapping me out of my thoughts.
" okay okay" I mumbled as I hesitantly lied down and put my strap down so he could start carving into my other hand lay limply off the sofa. I saw Dean crouch down and grab my hand giving me a squeeze, letting me know he was there for me. I wish I could let him know I was there for him. I heard a buzz and felt a sharp stinging pain on my shoulder. Fighting the tears that were threatening to fall out of my eyes, I felt Dean squeeze my hands tighter. I looked over at him to see that he had his eyes tightly shut. After 5 minutes of intense pain and teeth clenching it was over. Dean had opened my eyes and was now stroking my forehead. I looked down at the tattoo and it was red and was burning. I felt myself unable to breathe, sitting up on the sofa i could feel my breath struggling to escape from my throat, it was like I was choking, on air.
"CALL CAS." I heard someone shout in the distance.
"What's happening Bobby?" Dean yelled, the panic in his voice clear as day.
"I think she might be having a panic attack, she hasn't had those in ages." I felt Bobby run towards me and clutch my other hand. "It's okay Soph it's over okay everything's going to be just fine."
But still I found myself unable to breathe. If this was a panic attack, it's the worst one I've ever had. Bobby was usually able to calm me down. It felt like hours but in reality it was seconds before I heard the flutter if Castiels wings. He ran towards me placing two fingers on my forehead.
After that I didn't feel anything. I was expecting to feel different but it was back to normality. My heart beat had returned back to normal immediately.
"Sophia?" I looked at Dean to see his eyes were red and his hand still holding mine.
"It's okay, thanks Castiel" I smiled.
"Sophia, what was that? " Castiel asked innocently.
"I don't know, I think it was a really bad panic attack" I sighed.
Dean gulped and sat next to me "You scared me Soph."
"I'm sorry."
He leaned in and kissed me gently. For a moment I forgot anyone was in the room, just me and him. But he pulled away to reveal everyone watching us.
"Here you go Sophia" Sammy handed me a glass of water
I took it off him and smiled.
I held it in my hand not wanting to break my eye contact with Dean. I was so in love with this man and he cared about me so much.

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