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We all walked in together and Bobby joined us. We sat on a table with me and Sophia sat next to each other and Sam and Bobby sat opposite us. I reached out for Sophia's hands underneath the table, she was playing with her hands and I could tell she was nervous. None of us knew how Bobby reacted but to be honest I didn't care, I can't suppress my feelings for Sophia just because Bobby don't approve of it. Don't get me wrong I loved the guy but I also love Sophia. Bobby and Sammy were discussing the menu whilst me and Sophia were looking at each other. She gave me a concerned look and I shook my head at her gently as if to tell her everything was going to be okay. Her eyes darted around in anticipation waiting for me to make the move. I just wanted to let how gorgeous she looked tonight settle in my head because I was going crazy. She had a black minidress on and it defined her perfect body, her hair was hanging loosely around her shoulders and.... her lips curved into a smile as she saw me staring at her. She hit my leg indicating for me to start talking.
"Bobby.." I started when a waiter came to our table, great timing jerk. Bobby ordered some pasta, Sam ordered salad obviously and me and Sophia went for the burgers. We were so alike it wis ironic. It was time, no more hesitation no more interruptions I was ready.
"Bobby, listen me and Sophia need to talk to you about something."
"What is it?" he inquired with a worried look on his face.
"Me and Sophia, we like each other and I want to ask you if it's okay if she becomes my girlfriend?" I eased into the question and turned to Sophia she felt uneasy and I could sense it and I was too.
I squeezed her hand tighter.
Bobby sniggered " You're joking right?"
Me, Sophia and Sam all looked at him puzzled, what was he laughing at?
"You think I didn't know? You idjits sneaking around pretending to get good or go for a drive. Dean I could tell from the way you looked at her." He said excitedly as if he just solved a mystery. I was so confused and Sophia was also.
"If you knew why didn't you say anything?" Sophia asked. She scrunched her nose like she always does and I find it so cute.
"Because I wanted to see how long you guys would hide it from me, thankfully it wasn't too long otherwise I would have to say no to you Dean." Bobby smirked
"Wait so that means yes?" Sophia asked.
"Yeah I guess but Dean if you hurt my little girl in anyway..."
"Bobby!" Sophia whined. So he shutup and turned to Sam.
"And you idjit you thought you could hie from me as well huh?" He lightly hit Sam on the back of his head. We all laughed. I looked around and really took this moment in, it was one of the best nights of my life and I was surrounded by the people I love - and food.
That night we went home and Sophia went to bed leaving me Sammy and Bobby dat around the table.
"You boys want beers?" Bobby yelled.
"Is that even a question?" Sammy chuckled.
Bobby made his way back and sat down. Sammy was on his computer and I was just drinking my beer.
"So Dean, you're officially going out with Sophia" Sam declared.
"Yup I guess I am" I nodded my head giving him a little wink.
"Oh yeah Dean I wanted to say something" Bobby said.
"Go ahead" I responded leaning backwards and getting comfortable.
"Sophia has been through a lot, you know that and she's broken but when you're with her she's like a different person. However, her being with you means that you've brought her into the war, you know that now she will be a target. So I want you to protect her as best as you can Dean and just take care of her."
"Bobby I am going to train her to be the best hunter, hell she'll even be better than you!" I teased "Listen Bobby don't worry I would die for Sophia." I said seriously.
"I'm not asking you to die you idjit I'm just saying be careful, I don't want any of you dying before I do" he exclaimed and we all laughed.
Bobby was the best, he really knew how to cheer everyone up and how to make us laugh. When our dad used to leave us to go on hunts then Bobby would try his best to give us a childhood and take us to the park. He was like the proper father we never had.
"Dean, are you done daydreaming" Sam waved in my face.
"Yeah I'm really tired guys, I think I'm going to head to sleep" I replied.
"Night Dean" Bobby and Sam both said.
I felt so lucky right now to be surrounded by these guys they all made me feel complete and filled all the holes I felt were empty all this time. After a long time I was finally happy.

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