King Of Hell

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I opened my eyes slowly, my body feeling heavy. I had been placed on a chair with my hand and legs tied to it. My mouth was covered in tape. He drugged me! That son of a-
"Hello Sophia" he said slowly in his deep growly voice as he walked towards me and ripped the tape of my mouth.
"Who are you!?" I yelled.
"Now now, there's no need to yell. I'm Stefan"
"You're a demon!" I spat.
"No I'm a fairy." He said sarcastically and started laughing at hi own joke.
"Why are you doing this to me" I whined. Why was I even a target, I didn't even hunt.
"Because everything is falling apart because of you" he exclaimed.
My head still felt lightheaded and my throat dry. It felt like someone was banging a hammer against my head constantly. I furrowed my eyebrows, I didn't know him what is he on about?
"Don't act stupid. All your father does now is watch over you. He is no King Of Hell. Everything is falling apart without him. So I figured why not just destroy the distraction."
I was so confused. My head spun round in circles. Crowley? The King Of Hell? Was my father?
Before I could say another word a short man came up behind the demon and by placing a hand on his head released the demon from the vessel. Stefans shrieks filled the atmosphere around us, making my ears ring. I closed my eyes tight, I didn't want to see.
I felt a familiar taste in my lips as someone kissed me and started to untie me. My eyes were greeted with green apple eyes staring into mine. When I was finally free I jumped on Dean wrapping my legs around him kissing him like he was leaving me forever. I need wanted to let him go. He hung on tight as he kissed me back. I came away from him "I'm so sorry"
"Shutup" he rolled his eyes and pulled me in to kiss me even more passionately.
All of a sudden I heard someone clear their throat. Dean and my lips parted as he let me down on the ground. Looking behind him I saw two men.

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