Daddy Issues

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I walked out the house and looked around all the junky cars. The impala was gone. Dean was gone. There's nowhere I could look for him right now. My heart sank, I wanted to talk to him so bad, just feel his presence, I knew I had upset him and that just broke my heart. I went back inside and fell on the sofa.
"Bobby, have you guys found a new case?" I asked.
"Nope, not yet . I've only looked in this Sioux Falls area, I think we may have to  look around."
I nodded my head in understanding.
"Hey guys I'm going to go ahead and go to sleep, my head is pounding" Sam informed us, making his way up the stairs.
"Wait, where's Dean is he still not back?" Bobby asked.
I didn't want Bobby to find out what happened, but I didn't know what to say my heart started beating fast as the silence surrounded us, I did not have an answer.
"He went to the bar for a while" Sam intervened just at the right moment. Thank goodness, Bobby bought it.
Sam made his way up the stairs, leaving me and Bobby alone downstairs.
"Bobby.. Would you ever let me go hunting with the boys?" I asked curiously.
"Are you nuts, you have no training, you don't know go to fight you have no knowledge of this world and I am not letting you get caught up in it." He yelled. Why was he yelling?
"I was just wondering Bobby why are you yelling?" I asked innocently
"Sophia do not ever ask me if you could go hunting, it is not something you do for fun, this shit is serious!" He spat.
Tears threatened my eyes, Bobby had never yelled at me like that.
"You may have taken me in and taken care of me Bobby but your not my dad and you definitely cannot keep me in a bubble. I know what's out there and they know I'm here, if they're after my parents they're probably coming after me too so I have to be prepared!" I yelled back.
"Don't say that."
"Bobby, I mean it." I said sternly.
He got up, sighed and made his way to the stairs. He walked up and did not even look back. I looked at the clock, 11.00 pm. I can't believe what just happened. I have never been in an argument with Bobby before and he has never shouted at me. I didn't mean the things I said to him. There was a pit of guilt building in my stomach and it was just growing. Dean, Bobby, it felt like i was pushing everyone away.
I heard a noise and a voice behind me and I jumped so bad. My heart was beating out of my chest.

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