Hey Brother

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Dean POV-
We went to a motel. I had no idea where Bobby was but I didn't want to talk about him because Sophia was already upset. Her eyes were tired and red.
"Sophia, you need to sleep."
"Don't leave me" she whispered.
"I won't" I helped her into bed and snuggled up with her. Her head in my chest and our arms around each other. I couldn't see her upset, my heart ached for her. She clearly felt betrayed and questioned her life. Who wouldn't?
Before seconds I could hear her breathing slow down as she drifted off into a deep sleep.
"Dean, where's Bobby?" Sammy whispered.
"No idea" I shrugged.
"You think he stayed for the Colt?" Sammy suggested
"Shit I completely forgot about that, we need it." I sighed "How are we supposed to get it without Sophia getting hurt?" I looked down on her face and could see her frowning in her sleep. I stroked her cheek and kissed her, I cared about the Colt- it was very important but I cared about Sophia more.
"Look I know you don't want Sophia getting hurt and that she doesn't want to see Crowley or Bobby but at one point you're going to have to help her understand that crowley is her dad. She is going to have to live with it. It's better if she faces it now rather than getting even more hurt."
I nodded in agreement. "I agree Sammy but I think it's just little bit too early."
"Yeah, I'll talk to her if you want."
"I don't know, we'll see when she wakes up."
"Look Dean I don't want to sound rude or anything but we need to talk about this. Sophia doesn't know how to fight, it takes years of practise and hard work to become a hunter. Right now she is a risk to all of us. What are we going to do?"
Undeniably, it was true and I had been thinking about it for quite a while but I loved her too much to mention it.
"I know that if anything happened to her, you would go into that phase where you ac like your alright but you're not." Sammy added X.
"I do not do that." I scoffed. "Can we just talk about this later, I'm tired."
"Alright but I'm going to go get food for us."
"Mm Get pie."
"Okay I know-the usual" he said rolling his eyes as he walked out the door.
"Don't forget the pie" I yelled.
I looked down at Sophia. I wish there was a way I could help her or do something for her. Unable to sleep, I let the events of today replay in my head, thinking of what I could do to help Sophia face her reality.

This chapter wasn't that good sorry 😁 tell me what you guys think though ❤️

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