Teach me to Fight

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I woke up the next morning and went downstairs after getting changed. Dean was stood in the kitchen making breakfast.
"Hey beautiful" I called out.
"Morning, how did you sleep?" He asked
"Amazing" I stretched and yawned. "Where's Sammy and Bobby?" I asked
"They have gone out to do some investigation on where to find the colt, looks like it's just me and you." His lips curved up into a smirk and I felt myself blush.
"So you want me to help you train?"
"Oh shit yeah I need to go a run"
"You don't have to go today it's fine, we went on a walk last night anyway, seems like enough to me."
"Okay" I agreed.
"I say we go downstairs and I teach you how to throw some punches."
I nodded my head and walked towards him.
"Hey what's that smell?" We both looked over to the stove in panic to see black smoke arising from the pancakes Dean had started making.
"Oh you son of a bitch" Dean muttered as he turned off the stove and shoved the burnt pancake in the bin. I wafted away the smoke with a towel and reached over the workbench to open a window when Dean came up behind me. He grabbed onto my waist and pulled me towards him, I turned towards him, my eyes meeting his. I watched as his eyes followed down to my lips. Within no time he was attached to my lips and his hands were all over me. We were interrupted by the sound of my stomach grumbling.
"You hungry huh?" Dean asked.
I nodded my head as I looked down to my belly and mentally cursed it.
Dean turned back towards the stove.
"You need help?"
"No" he scoffed. He tried flipping it but it didn't even mice out of the pan. "Okay maybe a bit."
I stood behind him and grabbed the pan with his hand under mine. I shuffled the pancake and we threw it up and caught it together.
"I don't need help" I mocked him sarcastically.
"I'm too hungry to argue" he sighed through a chuckle.
We finished making the pancakes and ate and cleaned up.
"Okay time to work, now you need to go and get changed. I mean we need to get changed." He said and I slapped him on the shoulder playfully.
We made our way up the stairs and closed the door behind us. I took out a sports bra and some shorts. Dean was stood there watching. I cleared my throat.
"Hello?" I waved in front of his eyes.
"Sorry I was just imagining... You know what never mind, I'll go to the bathroom." I shook my head as he walked away. I got changed and he finally came out of the bathroom, also in different clothes.
My breath got caught in my throat, he looked so damn hot. He was wearing a tight grey shirt that stuck to his abs and muscles, with grey jogger pants. He saw me look down and he waved his hand sin front of  my face.
"Are you done daydreaming?" He chuckled and we walked downstairs to the basement and towards the punching bag.
"So first of all you have to think of something that makes you angry. When your fighting it will be easier though because you can just get angry at the thing you're fighting against."
"So right now I can just think of you as the punching bag?"
"You're mean" he pouted.
"I'm joking Dean" I squished his face and gave him a quick peck before turning to the punching bag again.
"So you want to hold your fists like this" he demonstrated and I copied, he messed with my hand until I got right.
"Okay now you wanna swerve your body forcefully before throwing the punch in order to have more effect." He instructed, I nodded my head and tried to do what he said.
He put his hands on my waist and abs me a hug. "No like this" he moved my body around and helped me move my arm. I saw him staring at me and pretended to carry on practising.
"That's it you've got it!" He exclaimed and I squealed in excitement.
"Have I really?"
"Yeah well done babe"
I smiled at him and he pulled me into a light kiss. Ring ring.
"Sammy" he tutted. It always seemed to be Sammy interrupting us, it was actually kind of funny. "Okay so you haven't found the Colt?"
"What do you mean a demons got it?
A demon! What's his name? Crowley? Okay, you and Bobby come home we'll all head down there together."
"Sorry to interrupt but we've got business." He turned to me and said. "Castiel, I need you so please can you get your ass down here." Dean prayed and before we knew it Castiel was in front of him.
"Hello Dean" he said tilting his head slightly like he seemed confused. I found it quite cute, it looked like he was confused all the time.
"Hey okay so listen, I need you to do me a favour."
"I need you track down this demon who goes by the name Crowley"
"Okay." He stares towards the wall.
"Like now Cas" Dean urged him impatiently.
"I'm trying, it's like I'm blocked out." He looked more confused and irritated than ever.
"Shit, right Cas can you at least try and track him down?"
"Yes okay I'll be back with more information." And he was gone.
We made our way upstairs as we heard the door open.
"Dean, what did Cas say?" Sammy asked as he walked into the house.
"He said he couldn't find anything, like he was blocked out."
"maybe it's all that Angel protection spell hoodoo crap" Bobby suggested and the boys nodded their heads in agreement.
"Okay well what now?" I asked.
"I guess we wait for Cas" Dean replied as we walked towards the sofa.

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