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Lucy sucked on her thumb as yet another drop of blood appeared. It hurt, but she wouldn't stop. Laid out before her was her project. The tiny squares placed carefully on a plan were starting to disappear. The quilt was on its way. Lucy looked at her needle again. She could swear that she could see the blood on it. So, sighing, she poked the needle into her new pin cushion and stood up.

She stretched her hands way above her head, and leaned to her side. Lucy could feel the tightness in her muscles. She had been sitting down all day. She hadn't even moved to care for Nashi, as it was a sort of "dad's day out" with the guild families. Natsu had seemed so excited to go out with Nashi. Lucy could only hope that Natsu could handle it, and that Nashi could handle Natsu.

As Lucy cleaned up the small room, she pulled the elastic out of her hair. She knew Natsu loved her hair, however it was always in her face. But she wore it down as much as she could.

Lucy walked to the living room, grabbing her purse and keys. It was time for her to pick up the boys from the guild. Natsu had wanted to take them out for supper. He had said that Lucy was working too much.

Once Lucy reached the guild, it didn't take long to find Natsu. He was running around the guild chasing Gajeel. And on each of their shoulders sat their child. Nayeli pulled at Gajeel's hair as he ran around with her. Nashi, on the other hand could only barely cling to his father's hair. Natsu had even tied him on with his scarf. Lucy shook her head as she went up to her husband. Without Natsu's notice she pulled Nashi off.

"Really, Natsu " Lucy chided. "He's not even old enough to hold on."

Natsu shrugged at his wife. "But he was having fun!"

Lucy could only sigh. Holding Nashi on her hip, she led the way out of the guild. Once they were out, Natsu took the lead.

"So, where are you taking us for supper?" Lucy smiled at her husband - he looked so excited.

"It's nowhere fancy, but it's awesome!" Natsu grinned.

Nashi stretched his arms out and just barely caught hold of Natsu's scarf. Lucy chuckled, and passed Nashi over.

Once Natsu had Nashi, he tossed him in the air. Nashi squealed, and flailed about. Just as Natsu caught him, Lucy took him back.

"Natsu!" Lucy scolded. "He's just a baby- not even one yet! You don't toss a baby!"

Natsu shrugged, and gently pulled Nashi back. "He loves it, Luce. Look at the little guy's smile!"

Natsu reached around and pulled at his sons face. Nashi made no move to stop it, but he did open his mouth wider and caught Natsu's finger in his mouth. Both of his parents started to laugh. Nashi started gumming.

"Hey, silly guy, don't - OW!" Natsu immediately pulled his finger from Nashi's mouth and wiped it off, all while trying to shake the pain away. "He bit me!"

Lucy laughed at her husband. "He's teething, silly. Welcome to my world!"

Natsu glared quickly at his wife, then looked back to Nashi. "Little guy's got quite a bite! His teeth are like little needles!"

Lucy chuckled as she showed Natsu the needle marks on her fingers. "He's got nothing on actual needles."

"What'd you do to yourself?" Natsu asked, all while staring at the various cuts and bandages.

"Nashi's birthday present. I'm making him a quilt."

"Huh?" Natsu stopped. "What on earth is a quilt?"

Lucy laughed at her husband. He really can be clueless at times. "It's a thick blanket with a picture on it."

"Why didn't you just call it a blanket then, Luce?"

"It's more than just a blanket. I'm putting a picture of Atlas on it."

"Wow!" Natsu exclaimed. The childlike wonder and awe in his eyes showed through with no pause. As Nashi looked to his dad, he could see it too. And so he quickly turned to Lucy with the same stare. Lucy chuckled at her two boys.

"Come on. Weren't we going to eat, Natsu?"

"Oh yeah!" Natsu cried. "But now I'm to excited to eat! I wanna see that blanket!"

"Silly," Lucy shook her head. "I want to eat."

"But I'm all fired up!" Natsu pumped his fist in the air, the other one holding Nashi. Who was copying his dad. Both tiny fists were held up high.

"Okay, okay!" Lucy patted Nashi's head. "But you'll have to wait little guy - I don't want to spoil the birthday surprise!"

"Ooooooooooooh! " Natsu grinned. "Nashi's gettin' something specially made by mamma for his birthday!"

Nashi looked from mamma to pappa. He didn't know what they were saying, only that they were smiling and laughing a lot. So Nashi smiled. His little teeth poked out, and his smile was wide.

"Appa! Amma!" Nashi laughed.

Natsu and Lucy gasped. Natsu stared with disbelief. Lucy with wonder. Immediately she reached for him. Hugging him close, gently shook him.

"You spoke!" She beamed. "Those were your first words!"

Natsu grinned, and ruffled Nashi's hair. "Little man, you're awesome! Now, how about a supper as congrats?"

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