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Makarov looked around the guild. His children were off on jobs, talking with each other, or simply hanging around. But his grandchildren — they were another story. Nayeli was chasing Gael around the guild. They seemed to enjoy it, although Juvia watched worriedly. Gajeel was cheering his daughter on.

Nashi however, was sitting by a table. His mother sat next to him, petting his hair. Nashi looked at his friends playing, but wouldn't move from his spot. Gently, Lucy pushed her son.

"Go on. Play with your friends."

Nashi looked up at his mother. "Don't wanna play right now."

"Now why is that, Nashi?" Makarov walked up to the two. "Why won't you play with your friends?"

Lucy smiled at Makarov, and patted Nashi's head. He looked briefly to his mother, then back to Makarov. With a sigh, he spoke.

"Poppa come back from a job soon. I wanna be first to say 'welcome back'."

Makarov smiled. "Follow me, boy."

Nashi hopped off the bench to follow the old man. He was no longer the sprightly old man that all the adults knew him to be. For Nashi, Makarov was someone very different. He was slower on his feet, and a little more unstable. He had to use a cane to walk; and even when he did, there was a slight hobble in his walk. His hair was getting even thinner, and Makarov looked almost completely bald. But he hung in there. Makarov stayed at the guild, helping out when he could. Nashi was careful to stay close to him, in case something happened.

Makarov stopped as he reached the doors of the guild. They were wide open and he could feel the breeze. It felt good. As Nashi came up next to him, Makarov smiled.

"You can wait for your father here, you know." He suggested. "Wait with your head high and your shoulders straight. Your father's a Fairy Tail Wizard. And that, my boy, is something to be proud of."

Nashi thought for a little while. "Why you stay in the guild?"

Makarov chuckled to himself. "Because all my children and grandchildren are here."

Nashi cocked his head. "Who?"

"All of you. You and your friends are my grandchildren. And your parents and their friends are my children."

Nashi paused for a moment. He thought, and as he thought, he looked down the street. He looked for his father. "So, you Ojii-chan?"

"Yes. You can call me that."

Nashi grinned. His tiny hand reached for Makarov's weathered hand, and gripped it tight. Makarov took a moment to look at this small boy. He had only just learned to speak in sentences. Yet, he understood the meaning of family.


"You're a smart boy, Nashi."

Before Nashi could respond, something caught his eye. A smile a mile wide formed on his face, and he lifted his and Makarov's hands to wave. And he waved furiously.


Natsu, from down the street, grinned. He waved back to his son and sped up his walk. Seeing Makarov next to him, Natsu bent down. He ruffled Nashi's hair as he turned to Makarov.

"Hey Gramps."

Makarov looked to Nashi. And Nashi spoke "Welcome home, Pappy!"

"Welcome back, Natsu."

Grinning from ear to ear, Natsu picked up Nashi and set him on his shoulders. "I'm home!"

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