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Levy looked at the menu in front of her. How did I get here?

She really did know — but it was a mystery as to why she was there.

That morning, Gajeel had been waiting for her at the guild. It was surprising to see him. His tour with the Magic Council wasn't supposed to be over yet. It was a mystery to Levy as to why he stayed with the Magic Council, but he did.

When Levy saw him, she almost stopped completely. Gajeel stood there and laughed to himself. He walked towards her and pulled her out of the guild. Still in a daze, Levy had followed him. And here she was now.

Levy ran the list of reasons through her head. Why is Gajeel here?

Injury? No injuries she could see.

Quit? Maybe, although unlikely.

Trouble with superiors? Yep. That sounded like Gajeel.

She looked up over her menu at him. His head was buried in his menu so only his hair could be seen. Levy skimmed her menu but had no idea what to order. This wasn't a cafe.

Gajeel looked up at the shrimp. Her eyes wandered back up to his. She tried a weak smile; so he grinned back and put his menu down.

"C'mon, let me order for you."

Levy sighed and nodded. Gajeel would always get what he wanted. As the waiter came up, Levy made sure to listen to what he ordered.

"The special." Gajeel grinned. "If you please. For both of us."

The waiter glanced at Levy, then went to the kitchen. She looked at Gajeel. He was resting one elbow on the back of his chair - completely relaxed. Levy watched as the sun glinted off the piercings on his arms. They had gone dull recently, but Levy could see they had been polished.

"Why are you back in Magnolia?" Levy raised an eyebrow. "I thought your tour was over next month."

Gajeel looked at her — almost emotionless. "I had something to do here. I got a few days off."

"Really?" Levy was shocked. "I didn't think the captain would allow that."

Gajeel shrugged. "He's got a soft spot. I just had to push on it a little."

"Well, what did you come-"

Levy was cut off by the waiter. He reached in front of her and placed this gigantic platter down in the middle of the table. It was a silver platter, with decorative leaves under the food. There were small metal cups that held a few types of sauce, buy Levy was caught off guard by the main food.

Shrimp. Large shrimp. Each was carefully laid one over the other in rings. Levy chuckled inwardly, but sighed as she looked at Gajeel.

"Really?" She groaned. "What type of joke is this?"

Gajeel laughed, and waved towards the plate. "It's no joke. Just eat it."

Levy shook her head as she glanced back down to the food. Gajeel watched her carefully as she picked up the shrimp on top. Levy was barely paying attention, until she saw something reflect the light. Curious, she turned the shrimp around. There, on its tail, was a small ring. Levy froze.

Gajeel watched her. Her face had suddenly gone barren. Her eyes were wide, but no emotion was reflected in them. Gajeel could feel the tightness in his chest increase with each second she stayed frozen. Finally, Gajeel cleared his throat.

"Levy, I -" Gajeel was cut off.

Levy was sitting there, holding the one shrimp at eye level. Her eyes weren't focused on the shrimp. She was staring through it, looking at Gajeel. Her eyes were moist and a tear had even started to run down her face. She stayed there, completely frozen. Gajeel waited for her to move. But she wouldn't.

Finally, Gajeel opened his mouth again. "Levy, I love ya." He sighed. She was still frozen. "And I want to make you my wi-"

"Yes," Levy interrupted. "Whatever you say, yes. Yes, yes, yes."

Suddenly Gajeel was the one who froze. He watched in amazement as Levy slipped the ring off of the shrimp. She held it carefully between her fingers, and was wiping the shrimp juice off it. He watched as her face begun to distort with tears. Her mouth was open, unable to form words. The tears were running down her cheeks in a torrent. Then Gajeel remembered.

"Here, lemme put it on ya." He took Levy's small hand and slipped the ring on. It was a perfect fit. Lucky guess.

Gajeel watched as Levy took her hand back. She kept rubbing the ring, and looking down at it. Her face was getting messier and messier with the tears. Gajeel sighed, and pulled out a hankie. It was a simple white hankie, with the initials G.R. embroidered. Levy had given it to him on his birthday. Otherwise, he wouldn't have carried a hankie.

Levy took the hankie and wiped her face. "I - I just - You just caught me off guard, that's all."

Gajeel chuckled at her. She still wouldn't move her hand from the ring. "Sure I did. Now c'mon. Let's not let this shrimp go to waste."

Levy chuckled as she reached to the piece she had dropped on her plate. "I'm gonna save this guy for last," She said as she pushed it to the side. 

Gajeel laughed, reaching over the table and ruffling her hair. She made little motions to stop him. "Gihihi, and Imma save this shrimp for last."

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