Must Have Done Something Right

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  "Natsu!" Lucy squealed. "Let me go!"

"Never!" He chuckled.

Natsu's one arm was wrapped around Lucy's waist and held her tight. With his other hand, he tickled her side with vengeance. He couldn't stop himself from howling with laughter. Lucy was just too funny. Her pajamas allowed for optimal tickling ability. It was a pair of loose short and a tank top with over-sized arm holes. Natsu could make out Lucy's pink lacy bra. He liked it.

Lucy tried to worm her way out of her husband's arms. Yet, as she knew, he was too strong. But that didn't stop er from trying. She pushed at his arm around her waist, carefully trying not to lose her shorts.

"Natsu! Lemme go!"

"Never!" He repeated.

"Natsu!" Lucy yelled. Her chest was starting to ache from laughing so much, and her arms were growing tired. Finally, she gave up. She flopped back into Natsu's lap. Once she stopped squirming, Natsu stopped his attack. There was a brief look of curiosity on his face. Then it changed to worry.

"You okay, Luce?"

She huffed. Pouting, Lucy looked up at her husband. "No. My husband won't leave me alone!"

Natsu chuckled. She was still playing. "Well, then, I think your husband needs a little more attention!"

Lucy paused. "Attention?"

Natsu nuzzled into her neck. He loved the smell of lilacs. "Yep. Attention."

Lucy giggled. "Natsu, your hair tickles!"

She gently pushed his head away from her neck. She could see the smile on his face — it was as big as it had ever been. Slowly, Natsu removed one of his hands from her waist. He brushed her hair out of her face. Lucy couldn't help but let a smile slip onto her face. This made Natsu's grin even wider.

"You're amazing, Luce." He stated.

"You are too, Natsu."

"Nah," He scoffed. "I'm nothing like you."

Lucy looked at her husband. "What makes you say that?"

"You're beautiful."

"And you're handsome." Lucy responded.

"You're strong."

"And you're even stronger."

Natsu grinned. "You're smart."

Lucy stopped for a second. Natsu laughed at her pause. Pouting, she looked back at her husband. His smile was still there. So, gently, Lucy traced his jawline. He flinched at first, but stayed still. Once Lucy had traced his entire jawline, Natsu took her hand in his. All while looking at Lucy, he kissed the top of her hand.

"What was that for, baka?"

"Oh, nothing. You just mean so much more to me than I know how to say."

Lucy blushed. "Natsu, since when have you been romantic?"

"I've been practicing." He mumbled. "Mira may have given me some pointers..."

Giggling, Lucy hugged her husband. "Well, just keep being my Natsu. Don't change."

Damn. Natsu grinned. I must've done something right.  

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