Mummy and Daddy

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  "Daddy, where's mummy?"

"Mummy's on a job. She'll be back tonight."

Subaru hopped off the chair by the window. The house was small, but so was Subaru. Quietly, she looked at the window again. It was raining out. So sighing, she turned towards her dad. He was sitting at the kitchen table. It was a simple wooden one he had bought in a nearby town. Subaru liked to sit at the table between her parents. They seemed so strong to her. Her mummy was always wearing armor — and only strong people wore armor. And her daddy was more mysterious and cautious. But that made him seem strong too.

"What job is mummy on?"

Jellal smiled, and looked at his daughter. Subaru was trying to be so much like Erza. She had recently pawned off one of her mother's old armored tops. It was too big for her, and even went down to her knees. But Subaru would walk around in it anyway, and follow Erza as much as she could. As Jellal looked as his daughter, he saw a lot of his wife. And he was glad.

"Mummy's on a job to hunt monsters."

"Are the monsters strong?"

Leaning down to pick her up, Jellal placed her on his lap. The armor was heavy, but Subaru twisted under it to look at her daddy's face.

"Is mummy fighting strong monsters?" She repeated.

"Yes, yes she is."

"Mummy's strong, right?"

"Mummy's very strong."

"How did you and mummy meet, daddy?"

Jellal felt his throat close a little. The tower. Erza's eye. The memories plagued him still. And he wished he could erase them. But sighing, he answered.

"Mummy was just as strong as she is now. She wanted to free her friends. And Mummy freed daddy as well."

"Is that why you love mummy?"

"Yes. Yes it is, Subaru."

Subaru looked at the floor, thinking about what her daddy said. Jellal waited with tightness in his chest.

"Daddy must love mummy a lot then."

Jellal held his daughter closer. "Yes. Daddy loves mummy a lot."

"Does mummy love daddy a lot too?"

"Of course I do."

Jellal and Subaru looked up. The door had opened, and Erza was home. Her hair was blown all over, and drenched from the rain. Jellal could see the raindrops running down her armor. Subaru grinned, and jumped off her daddy's lap. She ran as fast as she could — toddling in the armor. Erza smiled, and picked her daughter up. Resting Subaru on her hip, Erza walked over to Jellal. They shared a small kiss. Smiling at his wife, Jellal stood up.

"It's not yet nighttime — you're early."

"The monster wasn't as strong as the villagers thought." Erza stated.

"I bet mummy was stronger than the monster thought!" Subaru boasted.

Erza smiled at her daughter. Jellal patted her head. "Sure, I'm sure that's what it was."

Grinning from ear to ear, Subaru looked at her parents. Her mummy was back, and daddy was smiling again.

"Mummy, why do you love daddy?"

Jellal looked carefully at his wife. She had the tiniest smile on her face. Part of her bangs fell over her eye, and Jellal saw a smile shine in it. Erza shifted how she held Subaru, then looked at Jellal.

"Daddy is a good man."

"Mummy loves daddy lots!" Subaru smiled. "Right?"

Nuzzling her cheek, Erza replied. "Yes. Mummy loves daddy lots."  

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