Is This a Date?

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"Yo! Luce!"

Lucy groaned. She tightened her fists. She knew she wouldn't win, but the celestial mage wished she could. "Natsu."

Natsu was waving at her, spread out comfortably sitting in her living room. His smile was wide. Lucy looked out the window. It was raining. Hard. Lucy could only be glad that she was already dressed.

"Let's go outside!" Natsu stood up and grabbed Lucy to go. Lucy stuck her heels in deep.

"Are you crazy?" Lucy shook her head. "It's raining, and no way am I going out looking like this!"

Natsu took a glance at her. Her long hair was pulled back in a messy ponytail. She wore a loose t-shirt that hid her waist. Brown sweatpants finished off the look. But to Natsu, she looked fine.

"It's fine; let's just go!"

Lucy pulled her arm back from Natsu's grip. He didn't get it. "Give me five minutes. Then I'll be ready."

"I said you're fine. Why should you change?"

Lucy shook her head arms she returned to her bedroom. "Just stay out here."

She changed quickly, not wanting to keep Natsu. As she was brushing her hair back into a ponytail, she stopped. Do I look better with my hair down? Lucy shrugged and dropped her hair. It was going to stay down. When she left her bedroom, she was wearing a black pair of leggings with a button up jacket. She loved the jacket. It went down past her hips and had a belt around her waist. There were two rows of wooden buttons; she thought the wood looked great with the dull green of the jacket.

When Lucy came out, Natsu stood up. He was all ready to go but he stopped. Lucy looked awesome. Her curves were shown well. Natsu had to make sure he kept his eyes up.

"So?" Lucy asked. "Where are we going?"

Natsu snapped back to reality. "Happy's out trying to catch Carla. I got bored."

Lucy chuckled to herself. That little cat was really smitten with Carla. Lucy walked towards the door of her place and Natsu followed her. As she passed the door, she grabbed an umbrella. Once she stepped out in the rain, Natsu took the umbrella from her. She gave him a curious look and he shrugged.

"I'm taller. I don't wanna hit my head on the umbrella."

Natsu and Lucy walked for a bit heading towards the town center. As they began to see the shops, Lucy slowed down. She stopped by a few shops and looked in the windows. Natsu would wait quietly, but every once in a while he would pull Lucy into the store.

One store he pulled her into was a magic store. Lucy sorted through the celestial keys, but there was nothing new. Natsu immediately went over to the section with the fire items. He kept picking them up one by one, lighting them up, and tasting the fire inside. As Lucy was talking to the store clerk - about keys of course, the clerk caught Natsu in the corner of his eye.

"Hey!" He shouted. "What do you think you're doing?"

Natsu turned to look, halfway through a whip coated in fire. His cheeks were puffed out from the food in his mouth. Lucy shook her head.  She took the whip back from Natsu and placed it on the counter.

"Here." She sighed. "I'll buy it. Okay?"

The clerk nodded, but as he was checking the item he couldn't move his eyes off of Natsu. Natsu just stood behind Lucy, waiting to get his snack back. As they left the store, he pulled the whip from Lucy. She didn't try to take it back. She simply opened the umbrella.

"Natsu," She started. "You're an idiot."

He wasn't listening. The fire on the whip had all his attention. "This is good fire!" He said between bites.

"Of course it is! I paid five thousand jewels for that!" She shook her head at him. "I think I'm good now, Natsu. I wanna go home."

He stared at her, halfway through a mouthful of fire. Natsu eyes looked big, and to Lucy he looked like a lost puppy. Lucy shut her eyes tight and stopped. No way. No way was that going to work. Natsu watched her close her eyes and sighed. His plan failed.

Lucy peeked one eye open to check on Natsu. He had stopped with the look and had moved back to eating his fire. He wasn't even looking at her anymore. Lucy sighed in relief. Natsu really could make her do whatever he wanted. He had that way with her.

AS Lucy entered the door of her apartment, she pushed Natsu back outside. He had thought it would be a good idea to run out from under the umbrella and into the rain. He left with displeasure, but Lucy couldn't let him in. The landlady would get mad. Again.

As Lucy took off her jacket, she saw the messenger lacrima on her desk light up. Someone had left her a message. It was Levy. She was out on a job and testing the lacrima. The message was simple: What'd you do today?

Lucy sat down, thinking of everything that happened. Natsu had picked her up at her house, they had walked around the shops, Lucy bought a magical item... Well, technically that was food for Natsu... and then she went home. As she thought over the events, something became clear to her. She had been thinking of what to call it. 

Wait... was that a date?!

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