Sugar Sugar

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Quickly, Mirajane wiped her hands on her dress. It didn't matter that the sugar was visible. She doubted anyone would notice; and she just couldn't stand not being one of the first people to congratulate Natsu and Lucy! So she hurried out from the bar and into the throng of people surrounding the new couple.

Master Makarov sulked away, and Mira came up to them with a grin. "I'm so happy for you two!"

Lucy thanked her with her face flushed, but Mira just had to go in for a hug. She pulled the celestial mage in close, hugging her tightly. Lucy hugged back, but as her face came closer to Mira's, she whispered something.

"Baking something to shock a certain someone?" Lucy whispered.

Mira shivered. But, she pushed through. Today was about Lucy and Natsu. So she reached out a hand to shake Natsu's.

"My little man! I knew you had it in you to ask Lucy!" Yet, Mira huffed in disappointment. "But there wasn't any warning! You didn't even date!"

Natsu groaned, and turned away. He was unable to look Mira in the eye. He responded quietly "Y'know, I'm not a romantic guy..."

Mira smiled as he trailed off. It was true. And Mira would take it. She watched as Lucy chuckled a bit and her thoughts trailed off. Mira gathered it was time for her to leave. Besides, she didn't want to leave her project sitting in the kitchen for too long. So with a wave, Mira left the couple and headed back to the kitchen.

"Now, back to work!" She stated cheerfully. She picked up a spoon and continued to mix the batter. It was becoming thicker and smoother. Gently, Mira picked up the bowl and poured it into a round pan. She then carefully opened the oven and put it in. Setting the timer, she let out a sigh. Almost done.

Turning back around, Mirajane grabbed some more ingredients and set them out on the counter. She only had to make the icing. And hopefully it wouldn't take too long.

Mirajane started to measure the ingredients, and then mix them. It was all coming together. Even the smell of baked goods was coming from the oven. Mira couldn't help but smile. But she paused for a second to peek out of the kitchen.

The guild was partying — as expected. But there was one who wasn't. Which was also expected. He was sitting at the bar with headphones on. Mira groaned, and walked up to him. She placed her hand on the bar in front of him to get his attention.

"You know, Laxus, a party is more fun if you participate."

He shrugged. "Why should I? All they're doing is getting drunk and fighting. It's not like that doesn't happen any other day."

"Well, you're not wrong." Mira sighed. She turned to go back to the kitchen. No point in trying to make a party pooper enjoy a party.

"Besides," Laxus added. "It smells like you've got something good cooking in there. And I wanna be there first to get some."

With her back to Laxus, Mira grinned. It's working! "Are you sure? It could turn out really bad."

Laxus laughed. "You? Make something that tastes bad? I don't think so."

Mira smiled, and turned to face him. "Alright. You'll get first piece. But you're not allowed to complain, okay?"

With a grin, Laxus nodded. So Mirajane turned around, barely managing to keep her own wide smile under control. Once she was back in the kitchen, she checked the oven. There were still a few minutes left on it. The icing was done. So Mirajane decided that she would prep some toppings. Heading to the fridge, she grabbed a packet of strawberries and raspberries. Mentally, Mirajane reminded herself to hide it from Erza.

Mira pulled out a cutting board and started her designs. Each strawberry was cut into thin slices. Each raspberry was carefully taken apart to the individual beads of fruit. The raspberries were laid in a pile, and the strawberries were laid in a row. Rolling the slices, Mirajane succeeded in making fruit flowers. As the oven bell went off, she grinned. This was going to be the best cake she ever made.

Carefully, the cake was removed from the pan and left the cool. From just outside the kitchen, Laxus could smell it. It smelled delicious. He desperately wanted to look, but wouldn't. After all, the kitchen was Mira's place in the guild. Not even Master Makarov went in there.

After the cake had cooled a bit, Mira spread the icing. It went on in smooth, thick layers. The fruits were next. Mira carefully placed each strawberry flower on the top of the cake, and sprinkled raspberry dots over it. With a smile, she decided. It's done! And she headed towards the bar where Laxus sat.

"Come in," She motioned. "Come in and have some cake."

Wide-eyed, Laxus stood up to follow Mirajane into the kitchen. He had to duck under the door frame. He guessed that was another reason not a lot of people went in the kitchen. But once he was in, the strength of the smell doubled. It made his stomach growl loudly. Mira laughed.

"I'm glad you're hungry." She turned and smiled at Laxus. "Here it is!"

Laxus paused as he saw the cake. It was completely made of chocolate, except for the fruit decorations on top of it. Which, he would have to admit, looked amazing. "Looks delicious, Mira."

Smiling, Mira grabbed a knife. She carefully cut out a large piece and put it on a plate. Laxus took it carefully, not wanting to drop it. Once Laxus had his, Mira took a slice for herself.

"I hope you like it." Mira went to take a bite of the cake.

Laxus stared at his piece for a bit. It looked delicious — and he loved sweet things. But not a lot of people knew that. He took a bite anyway. Mouth full, he exclaimed, "This is delicious, Mira!"

"Of course it is," She grinned. "It's cake."

"It's good cake!" Laxus took another bite.

Bingo. "Well, Laxus, I can make you cake anytime. Okay?"

"Yes please!"

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