Mischief Maker

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Levy looked in the mirror. Her make up was on point. There was a crisp black eyeliner, and perfectly blended blue eye shadow. Her blush was balanced nicely, and her lips were a vibrant red. As she looked, she felt the desire to do more. But she didn't dare change what she had achieved. Sighing, she glanced down at her belly. Her pajamas went way out so she couldn't see her feet. Levy gently rubbed her stomach, thinking of what was inside.

You are a mischief maker, you know that?

As Levy looked back to the mirror, there, reflected in it, was her husband. He lay asleep on their double bed, snoring like a chainsaw. Levy watched Gajeel sleep for a bit, then got an idea. Carefully and quietly, she picked up a few make up brushes and some makeup. She sat herself down beside the bed — with some effort. As she groaned, Levy realized it would take even more effort to stand up. But she opened the make up and began. First, the contour. Gajeel was more tan than her, so she tried not to use a lot. It took some effort not to get any on the nails on his face. But she did it. Next, was the eye shadow. Levy decided to use grey eye shadow — to go with Gajeel's nails and hair.

Gajeel felt a small tickle on his face. Without fully awakening, he rubbed at his face. There was a huff, and then the tickling thing was back. Gajeel swatted at it.

"Hey!" Levy whined.


Gajeel groggily opened his eyes. There, on the floor by the bed, was his wife. Levy looked displeased. Gajeel tried to guess what he had done, but he had only woken up. His brain wasn't working yet.

"Gajeel," Levy huffed. "You smudged it again!"

"Wha~?" He repeated.

"Stop moving!"

Levy reached back down, getting some more eye shadow on a brush. As she reached up for Gajeel's face, his brain clicked on. He saw what she was holding. The box of colored powders, and that tiny brush. Immediately he knew. He jumped up on the bed and leaned back.

"What are doing to me, you shrimp?!"

"I'm trying to do your make-up!"

Glancing down, Gajeel saw the clock. He froze. "At two in the morning?!"

Levy shrugged. Ordering, she replied "Baby wasn't sleeping. Now get back down here."

Slowly, Gajeel looked down at her wife. He could see the make up on her own face. She looked amazing — despite it being two in the morning. And there it was. It wasn't so much a baby bump anymore; it was more like a baby mountain. Gajeel hung his head, and sat on the bed.

"Y'know men don't do make up, shrimp."

"I know." Levy reached for her brush. "That's why I'm doing it."

"It's gonna come off as soon as you're done, okay?" Gajeel closed his eyes.

"I know, I know, Gajeel." She put the brush on his eyelids. It tickled, but Gajeel tried not to move.

"Why are you doing this again? At two in the morning?"

"Baby wasn't letting me sleep. So, I felt like doing make up. And I ran out of face."

"Really?" He groaned. "The baby made you put make up on me?"


Gajeel sighed. "Damn mischief maker."

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