A Day in the Life

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"Higher!" She screamed. "Push me higher, Natsu!"

Natsu, waiting behind the swing, grinned an evil grin. As Lucy came back, he prepped himself to give her the biggest push ever. Once the swing was in his grasp, he pushed. He ran forward, and as she went higher, he ran underneath her. Lucy screamed, and laughed as she reached up.

"I can almost tough it!" She squealed. 

Natsu, watching her on the swing, stood panting. How she can keep screaming for an hour is beyond me. He could feel his chest heaving with each breath. He couldn't push a swing for an hour.

"C'mon, Luce." He stated. "I'm done. I'm going home."

He turned around, and from behind him, he could hear Lucy jump off the swing. The gravel crunched below her feet as she ran to catch up with him. Once she was close enough, she grabbed his shoulder and pulled him around. 

"Natsu, please?" She begged. "The swing is so fun!"

Natsu chuckled. "I've been pushing you for an hour! I think that's a bit much."

Lucy huffed, but obediently wrapped her arms around Natsu's. They started to walk back home, each in a comfortable silence. Once they reached the house, Natsu flopped down onto the couch. Lucy went to the kitchen to grab a bag of chips, and joined her husband. She sat leaning back on him, and he wrapped his arms around her waist. Lucy liked the feeling of his broad shoulders against her back. It made her feel safe.

It was then Natsu realized that the film lacrima wasn't set up. Groaning, he pushed Lucy off of him to go set it up. Lucy sat patiently on the couch. She watched as Natsu tried to set it up. He kept poking at the globe, and at the metal stand. Lucy could see little flicks of fire coming off Natsu's fingers. So she stood up to help.

"It's here, Natsu. All you do is put a tiny bit of magic in this hole here."

Natsu turned, and spouted a tiny flame. Instantly, the lacrima reacted - showing a film. Pulling Lucy, Natsu flopped back on the couch. She fell into place, and pulled up a blanket. Lucy looked up at her husband briefly. His jaw was so much sharper when she sat like this. Giggling quietly, Lucy placed a peck on his chin.

'Hey," Natsu looked down at her, curious. "What was that for?"

"Love you, Natsu."

He grinned, and ran a hand through her hair. "Love you too, Luce."

This time, he placed a kiss on the top of her head. Then he ruffled her hair, much to her displeasure. And he laughed.

"Shishishi, Luce, you should've had me figured out by now."

Lucy gently put her fingers to Natsu's lips. She pushed them shut, and pointed to the lacrima. The film had officially started. Natsu whined a little, but Lucy bumped his chin with her head. He squeaked a bit when he bit his tongue, but he did shut up. Lucy sighed, relaxing into her husband. Sighing quietly, Natsu wrapped his arms around her waist. And they turned to watch the film.

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