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  Nashi peeked around the corner. He could see inside his dad's room. Natsu was fast asleep, snoring like a monster. Quietly, Nashi closed the door. He wanted this to be a surprise. And frankly, dragon hearing wouldn't help.

As Nashi left the house, he made sure to lock the door. Everything was set. He just had to bring it in. Nashi made his way to the woods out back. Waiting for him in the snow, he saw his friends. Gael was there, as were her parents. Gray grinned, and behind him was a small Christmas tree. In her arms, Juvia held a box of tinsel. Gael carried with her a box of presents.

Quietly, the group made their way back into the house. Nashi held the door open as Gray pulled the tree inside. A few needles were lost here and there, but it was still okay. Aa soon as the girls were inside, Nashi locked the door again. Leading his friends into the house, Nashi showed them an empty corner. He and Gray stood the tree up, and Juvia and Gael began wrapping the tinsel.

As Nashi watched his plan come to life, something felt wrong. He checked on his dad again — still asleep — but couldn't shake the feeling. Looking at the completed tree and presents, he realized it.

"Ornaments!" He whispered loudly. "We don't have any ornaments!"

The Fullbuster family looked at each other. It was Gael who had the idea first. "Ice make! Dad and I can make ornaments!"

They started their ice make. Gael took a little more focus, and couldn't quite make as detailed ones as her father, but she made them anyway. Nashi gently pulled Juvia into the kitchen. When Juvia saw the scorch marks still on the walls, she gasped.

"Did Lucy-san not make Natsu-san clean up his mess?"

"Dunno." Nashi responded as he handed her a book. "This has cookie recipes in it. Can you do that?"

Juvia smiled. "Juvia has always made cookies for Gray-sama. Juvia will make cookies, Nashi-kun."

As Juvia began to make cookies, Nashi made his way back to the living room. The tree was finished. There were lots of ice made decorations on the tree. Gael had done things like the Fairy Tail symbol, and the classic orbs. Gray had created more intricate designs. He had made a few fireplaces, and a miniature Atlas and Igneel. But as Nashi came closer, Gray grinned.

"Hey, Nash." He moved to the side. "Think Natsu will like this one?"

Nashi's breath caught in his throat. What Gray had made was amazing. It was a 3-D ice version of the Dragneel family photo. Nashi's fingers traced over his mother's face, and his own infant self. Nashi stopped at his father.

His father's smile was so wide. He looked so happy with his arm around his wife. Gray watched as Nashi stared at the decoration. Smiling, he bent down and wrapped his arm around Nashi's shoulders.

"I made it out of a special type of ice." Gray explained. "It shouldn't melt, even if Flame Brain sets it on fire."

Nashi couldn't speak. He just turned around and gave his uncle a big hug. Gray hugged him back. Gael joined too; she didn't want to be left out. Slowly, Gray let go of Nashi. Holding onto his own kid, he said "Now, go get your dad. Go get that idiot."

Nashi ran down the hall as quietly as he could. He could still hear his father's snores. So, silently, Nashi opened the door and snuck close to the bed. Natsu was sprawled out under the covers. On one arm, he held the extra pillow from the other side. Gently, Nashi climbed up onto the bed. Before Natsu could wake up, Nashi climbed onto his dad's chest.

"Wake up, dad!" He screamed.

"AH!" Natsu yelled as he shot up in bed.

Nashi was launched off, and hit the foot board. Rubbing his head, he grinned at his dad. Natsu looked at his son, a dumbfounded look on his face.

"What are you doing, kid?"

"C'mon!" Nashi pulled at his dad's arm. "I wanna show you something!"

Natsu got up and followed his son. He was only wearing his pants, but he didn't care. Nashi pulled him faster towards the living room. And Natsu stopped.

There, in the living room corner, was a tree. It had gold tinsel on it and a hundred little ornaments. Under the tree was a small pile of gifts wrapped in multi-colored paper. ON top of the tree, was an angel made of Ice.

Slowly, Gray, Gael, and Juvia came out from behind the tree. They were all smiling at Natsu, who was still awestruck. Without a word, Natsu looked to his son. Nashi was grinning from ear to ear. From somewhere, he had pulled out a Santa Claus hat.

"Merry Christmas, dad."

"Merry Christmas, Flamer."

"Merry Christmas, Natsu-san."

"Merry Christmas, Uncle Natsu."

Natsu wiped his eyes. Nashi pulled at his arm again. Getting closer to the tree, Natsu could see what the ornaments were. Orbs and dragons covered the tree. But Nashi was pointing to a specific ornament. As soon as Natsu saw it, he felt himself begin to cry again.

"C'mon dad," Nashi smiled. "Let's have a fun Christmas."  

A/N I know it's almost July, but I wanted to write this Christmas scene anyway!

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